

搜索 導(dǎo)航
2014年2月7日外交部發(fā)言人洪磊主持例行記者會 中英對照
2018-03-09 09:42:57    譯聚網(wǎng)    中華人民共和國國務(wù)院新聞辦公室    


We hope that all parties in Syria will summon up political will, act in the fundamental interests of the country and people, meet each other half way and seek a "middle way" acceptable to all in an effort to stop bloodshed and conflicts as soon as possible, restore national stability and order, and fulfill Syrian people's wish to build a democratic, diverse and peaceful country.


Q: Representatives from China and India have held 16 rounds of meetings on the boundary question. What progress and achievements have been made? What are the obstacles to the breakthrough in the future?


A: The China-India boundary question is a complex issue left over from history. Great efforts have been made by the two sides for the settlement of the boundary question over the years. Since the inception of the mechanism of special representatives' meeting for the China-India boundary question in 2003, representatives from the two sides have held 16 meetings. They fully exchanged views on the boundary question at a high level and made positive progress. The two sides also reaffirmed time and again that the boundary question should not affect the growth of bilateral relations, and peace and tranquility of the border areas should be jointly upheld pending the final settlement of the boundary question. To solve the question at an early date is a strategic goal set by the Chinese and Indian governments which serves the common interests of the two countries. China is ready to make concerted efforts with the Indian side to press ahead with the negotiation on the boundary question and work out a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable framework at an early date, making the China-India boundary a bridge and a bond that facilitate exchanges and increase friendship between peoples of the two countries.

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上一篇:洪磊就所謂中方將馬上劃設(shè)“南海防空識別區(qū)”答記者問 中英對照
下一篇:2014年2月27日外交部發(fā)言人華春瑩主持例行記者會 中英對照



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