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發(fā)布時間: 2019-07-15 09:31:22   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):



Second, certain non-governmental organizations violated relevant provisions of the UN Charter and rules of the Human Rights Council, challenged the one-China principle, interfered in China's sovereignty and internal affairs, and smeared China's human rights condition. China strongly opposes and condemns that.

Third, since the return of Hong Kong, policies including "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy have been earnestly carried out. Hong Kong people's rights and freedoms have been fully guaranteed. Those are unquestionable facts. A prosperous and stable Hong Kong is good for China and the world.



Q: Jimmy Lai is the chief of the biggest media group in Hong Kong. In China's opinion, why did the US officials meet with him? What consequences might there be if the US government gets closer to Hong Kong media? Second question, Denise Ho called on the UN to remove China from the Human Rights Council. What is your response to that? Third question, will the frequent meetings between US officials and people from Hong Kong negatively impact China-US trade consultations and China-US relations?

A: On your first question, you know better than I do who Jimmy Lai is. By meeting with him, the US politicians have sent seriously wrong signals to the world. We deplore and firmly oppose that. We urge the US to respect China's sovereignty and the rule of law in Hong Kong, exercise caution in its words and deeds, stop its interference and do not engage in anything that may undermine Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.



On your second question, Denise Ho's so-called "removal" is nothing more than a pipe dream. I'm afraid she may be too sure of herself.

On your third question, we have made stern representations to the US side and made clear our solemn position against its Hong Kong-related, erroneous words and deeds. We urge the US to bear in mind China's concerns and stop any further attempts to interfere in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs.



Q: It has been reported that yesterday under the mediation of the Norwegian government, Venezuela's government and opposition held the third round of talks in Barbados. Could you comment on that?

A: China's position on the Venezuela issue is consistent and clear. It should be resolved by the government and opposition through inclusive political dialogue under the country's constitution. In this process, the UN Charter and basic norms of international relations must be upheld. We hope the international community will respect principles of international law and on this basis, play a constructive role in facilitating an early political solution. China welcomes efforts by Norway and other parties to promote peace talks. We also hope the government and opposition in Venezuela will reach a substantive consensus at an early date to restore national stability and development and contribute to regional prosperity and progress.


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