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發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2019-07-15 09:31:22   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):



Q: The Swedish high court has just decided about half an hour ago that they would not allow the extradition of Qiao Jianjun to China and the reason they gave is concerns about possible mistreatment and human rights problems in China. What's your response?

A: I took a similar question yesterday. We hope the Swedish government and Supreme Court will bear in mind the facts of his crimes and extradite him back to China for trial. By so doing, they will uphold fairness, justice and the dignity of rule of law, and prevent Sweden from becoming a safe haven for criminals.


Regarding the so-called reason given by the Swedish Supreme Court, I would like to point out that China attaches high importance to protecting and promoting human rights and the Chinese judicial system effectively safeguards the legal rights of criminal suspects. The progress of China's human rights protection in the judicial field is there for all to see. And over 260 criminal suspects from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America have been extradited back to China. This fully testifies to the international community's confidence in China's judicial system. We again urge the Swedish side to treat China's request seriously.



Q: First question, US Vice President Pence and Secretary of State Pompeo discussed the autonomy of Hong Kong and other issues with Jimmy Lai, founder of Next Digital. What is your comment on that? Second, at invitation, Hong Kong singer Denise Ho made a speech on the demonstrations against the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance in the UN Human Rights Council yesterday. She was interrupted twice by a Chinese delegate. Does this indicate that the Central Government does not allow people from Hong Kong to make statements against the mainland's position on international occasions?

A: On your first question, as we said repeatedly, Hong Kong affairs are purely domestic. They brook no interference from any country, organization or individual. It is wrong for any external forces to interfere in Hong Kong affairs in whatever form. Any attempt to incite chaos in the SAR by hyping up this issue has no support and will not succeed.



By repeatedly interfering in Hong Kong affairs, the US has sent seriously wrong signals to the world. We deplore and firmly oppose that. We urge the US to respect China's sovereignty and the rule of law in Hong Kong, exercise caution in its words and deeds, stop its interference and do not engage in anything that may undermine Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.

On your second question, first, Hong Kong is China's special administrative region, and its affairs are purely domestic. They brook no interference from any country, organization or individual.


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