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發(fā)布時間: 2019-07-15 09:21:35   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):


Second, there is the opportunity for green development.

In 2018, China issued over 30 billion dollars of green bond, achieving 33% increase year-on-year. Last week, the UK hosted the third Green Finance Summit. At the summit, Economic Secretary Glen announced the Green Finance Strategy.

In fact, China and the UK have been major partners in green finance. In June 2018, the London Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China issued green bond worth 1.58 billion dollars. This was the largest ever green bond listing on the London Stock Exchange.

China and the UK have also set up the Green Finance Taskforce, launched the Green Finance Centre, and issued the Green Investment Principles for Belt and Road Development.

Our two countries welcome the collaboration between Chinese and UK financial institutions on the issuance of offshore green asset-backed securities in the UK and other markets. Both sides will create investment platforms driven by the private sector to support and invest in UK green technology firms to scale-up in new markets, including China. We will also do more and try to take up the lead in product innovation, standard setting, risk supervision and management in green finance.


Third, there is the opportunity of making the best use of platforms.

The City of London is a leading global financial centre, and an important partner of China in financial services.

First of all, London is the world's largest offshore RMB market. By last February, a total of 113 RMB-denominated bonds had been listed on the London Stock Exchange. The total value is more than 30 billion RMB yuan.

Second, many Chinese banks have made London their home. Last month, I attended the opening ceremony of China CITIC Bank London Branch. It was the eighth Chinese bank to set up a branch in London. This was not only a new milestone in the efforts of Chinese banks to explore the global market, but also a "vote of confidence" for the future of the City of London.

I am confident that going forward, the City of London will continue to serve as an important platform for RMB internationalisation, for sub-national financial cooperation between China and the UK, and for the two countries' cooperation in third markets.



Now let me turn to the third question of my speech. It is about the China-US relations and trade talks, which has caught the world's attention. How can the two countries avoid the "Thucydides trap" and a "trade war" that could do so much harm to the world economy?

Once again, China's answer to this question is clear: We remain committed to dialogue and consultation. This commitment will boost confidence in the ability of the world economy to remain stable.

China has been committed to addressing trade frictions through dialogue and consultation. Not long ago, the Chinese and US Presidents met during the G20 Summit in Osaka. The two sides agreed to restart the trade talks on the basis of equality and mutual respect.

The UK business community has followed the event closely and is eager to know whether the agreement will be delivered. And British media kept sounding me out about the prospect of China-US trade talks.

I do not have a crystal ball, but I think the following four points are very important for the future of China-US relations:


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