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發(fā)布時間: 2019-07-15 09:21:35   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):


Third, China has kept up the momentum of opening up wider to the world.

Economic globalisation is an irreversible trend. Greater integration into the world economy is the major direction that cannot be changed. Therefore, no matter how many difficulties or setbacks China encounters, it will not waver in opening its door wider to the world.

As we speak, China's manufacturing sector is basically open. It is gradually lifting restrictions on access to the modern services sector. And it is opening up the financial sector with accelerated pace and at a higher level. Going forward, China will continue to quicken its steps to increase market access for foreign investment. Take for example foreign ownership caps in joint venture firms in sectors such as securities, future and life insurance. China has brought forward the deadline for lifting the caps from 2021 to 2020. At the same time, China has also cut short the 2019 edition of the negative list on foreign investment, reducing the 48 items on the list to 40.

In 2018, China paid more than 30 billion dollars in patent fees and royalties to overseas license holders or rights owners. That's nearly four times more than ten years ago. Going forward, China will take further steps to foster an open, transparent and fair business environment. These steps include strengthening IPR protection, striving to complete the supporting regulations of the Foreign Investment Law by the end of this year, and continuing to improve the legal system for opening up.

In recent years, China has taken the initiative to cut tariffs many times. Its trade-weighted average tariff only stands at 5.2%. This is lower than the majority of the developing countries, and close to the average level of developed countries. Going forward, China will continue to take the initiative to cut overall tariffs and expand imports. Later this year, China will host the second China International Import Expo. This will be an opportunity to share China's market with more countries.



Now let me turn to the second question: Despite deepening economic globalisation, development gaps between different countries still exist. What can China do to continue serving as a growth engine for the world while pursuing development at home?

Again, China's answer to this question is clear: We remain committed to win-win cooperation. This commitment will boost the confidence in the inclusive and balanced economic growth in the world.

Take the international financial cooperation for example.

Driven by big data, blockchain and other new technologies, FinTech, inclusive finance and green finance are developing rapidly. This has brought new opportunities and new challenges to the international financial market.

Against this backdrop, financial cooperation between our two countries, one with newly-acquired financial strength and the other with traditional financial power, will create enormous opportunities for investors from both countries and the world as a whole.


First, there is the opportunity for investment.

On April 1st this year, Chinese bonds were included in the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index. I think this is an important success of the ever more open Chinese bond market. It shows China's growing role in the global financial market. It also reflects the confidence of global investors in the Chinese market.

Last month, the tenth China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue was successfully held in London. Of the 69 outcomes reached at the EFD, the Shanghai-London Stock Connect is a highlight. Its official launch marks the realisation of real connectivity between China and the UK as the world's second and third largest capital market respectively. It also expands the channel for two-way, cross-border investment and financing between China and the UK.

China and the UK will continue to conduct feasibility studies on the arrangement for connectivity between the bond markets, so as to create more opportunities for investors from both our two countries and the world.


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