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發(fā)布時間: 2019-07-09 09:23:11   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):



BBC: Just think about your last comment. You seem to be making no distinction between the hundreds of thousands of people who marched and demonstrated peacefully, and a much smaller group who engaged in violence. Do you not make distinctions between these two?

Ambassador: I do have a distinction. I think we could go back to my interview with BBC and Sky News. I said, to start with it was peaceful demonstration, but later on it became ugly. There was attack on the police with toxic powder. Nobody knows what it was. That was why the police evacuated the legislative council in order to avoid further injuries of police officers. There are also concerns about people trampled. That's what happened later on. So I do have a distinction.

But the problem was that the British politicians make no distinctions. From the very start they supported the demonstrators, and to the very end they supported and even called the violent elements "very brave". I hate to quote their comments. They even urged the Hong Kong SAR government not to use the violent incident as a "pretext for repression" -- basically they are trying to obstruct the legal process in Hong Kong. Even back in China we leave the Hong Kong SAR government to handle this case in accordance with law in Hong Kong. I do hope that those British politicians would make no comment again on the legal process of how the Hong Kong SAR government will pursue this case, with regard to how the government will bring those law offenders to justice. I hope they would respect the independent judicial power of Hong Kong, and that was what the British government has been calling for all along. I hope they would not adopt double standards in this case.




Ambassador: I think I should come back to the questions that the two journalists asked about G20. I think the latest G20 summit was a success. President Xi made a very important statement on the summit, and he pointed out the direction about how the world should respond to unilateralism and protectionism. President Xi proposed that we need to persist in reform and innovation to find more impetus for high quality growth. He also proposed that we need to progress with the times to improve global governance and promote the reform of international financial system. And all these have been welcomed by the international communities. So I think G20 sent out a very positive message to the world. I regard the G20 as a success.

With regard to the future of G20, I think President Xi also made his contributions to further strengthening the mechanism of G20. G20 was born as a result of the 2008 financial crisis. It functioned to coordinate and to strengthen the cooperation between countries. President Xi also made his contribution to further strengthen G20. We believe G20 still have a bright future. President Xi insists on placing development at the core of the G20 agenda. There is no doubt that this outcome sent out a positive message to the outside world. We believe G20 still has vitality and will serve the interests of countries around the world.

Thank you.


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