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發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2019-07-09 09:23:11   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):



Xinhua News Agency: Ambassador, I am from Xinhua. My question is about China-US trade tension. Some would say that the meeting during the G20 Summit between President Xi Jinping and President Trump was quite limited, and the suspension of tension is temporary. And some say the tension in China and US trade relationship is still there and would escalate again. What is you view on that?And what's the prospect of the China-US trade negotiation?

Ambassador: I think the meeting between President Xi and President Trump is of great importance. I think the G20 Summit in Osaka will be remembered for this very important meeting. What is more important is the direction set by President Xi. President Xi summed up the lessons of the 40 years of China-US relations. He pointed out that China and the US stand to gain from cooperation, and will lose from confrontation. So cooperation and dialogue are better than confrontation and friction. And this has also been agreed by President Trump. So the fundamental direction set by President Xi is very important to guide the long term relationship in the future. And secondly, the two sides announced the restart of trade talks on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. It's very significant. The US side agrees that it will not add new tariffs on Chinese goods. So this important agreement sent out a very positive signal to the international community and the global market. We do hope that the teams from both countries will carry on and implement the agreement reached by the two Heads of State. I feel optimistic about the future of the relationship and I feel optimistic about the trade talks between China and the US!



CCTV: I'm from China CCTV. We all noticed that some of the British officials expressed their deep concern and even made comments on Hong Kong. Why do they still hold strong opinions to China affairs after 22 years since Hong Kong returned to China 1997? And also some interviewees who spoke to Channel 4 last night wanted more voices from Mr. Hunt. What is your comment?

Ambassador: I think I already covered this. The Foreign Secretary's statement on Hong Kong is totally wrong. The British side should place itself in the proper place with regard to Hong Kong. On the mind of some of the people, they still regard Hong Kong as under British rule and they forget the fundamentals. We talked about the Joint Declaration. Hong Kong has now returned to the embrace of the motherland. It is a special administrative region of China. It's not part of the UK. I would call to them: Hands off Hong Kong, show respect for what has been achieved in Hong Kong under "one country, two systems". I think if they properly set their position and approach Hong Kong issue with objective perspectives, things will be easier for the two countries to talk about Hong Kong. Fundamentally, this colonial mindset is still haunting some officials or politicians. So I do hope they regard Hong Kong as part of China and regard Hong Kong's business as non British business. We would like to talk with them. According to the agreement between our two countries, we have no problem for British side to maintain relations with Hong Kong, economic, cultural and trade relations. As I said, I do hope that Hong Kong will continue to play the role of a bridge and to be a positive factor in the relationship other than a negative factor.



Daily Telegraph: You said that the UK government should be mindful of the consequences of their words and deeds. Exactly what consequences you are talking about? Is China considering some sort of retaliatory actions if the UK continues down this path? And secondly, does the withdrawal of the bill mean that they recognize those people demonstrating in Hong Kong do have their points that this bill does undermine the commitments of the "one country two system" settlement?

Ambassador: It already has consequences. The mutual trust has been weakened. We made several representations with the British side. It hurts the amicable atmosphere of the relationship. You know, we just had a very senior, high level visit by Chinese Vice Premier who was here to co-chair with Chancellor Hammond the 10th Economic Financial Dialogue. The outcomes have been great, including London Shanghai stock connect. I happened to be the one who signed an agreement on behalf of the Chinese government which lifted the ban on British beef. That means it won't be long before the Angus beef and Welsh black beef are to be served on the table of Chinese consumers. But to have good relationship, you need to build mutual trust and you need to follow the basic principles. I think this inappropriate comment by British politicians really hurt the relationship. I do hope that the British side will treasure the hard won relationship and we should move together in the common interests of the people of our two countries. The extradition bill, as I said, has a good point. There is a necessity and it has been done through normal and legal process. But there are some pitfalls to be improved, and I think that the Hong Kong SAR government has realized that. They need to do more communications with the public. It doesn't mean that the rationale is wrong. It doesn't mean that the bill is not a good bill. So I do hope that the Hong Kong SAR government will have more communications and dialogues, be engaged more actively with the public and listen to their opinions to improve the process.


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