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發(fā)布時間: 2018-01-15 10:04:52   作者:譯聚網   來源: 法律翻譯網   瀏覽次數(shù):

  Article 15 The state practises planned economy on the basis of socialist public ownership. It ensures the proportionate and coordinated growth of the national economy through overall balancing by economic planning and the supplementary role of regulation by the market.


  Disturbance of the socioeconomic order or disruption of the state economic plan by any organization or individual is prohibited.

  第十六條 國營企業(yè)在服從國家的統(tǒng)一領導和全面完成國家計劃的前提下,在法律規(guī)定的范圍內,有經營管理的自主權。

  Article 16 State enterprises have decision-making power with regard to operation and management within the limits prescribed by law, on condition that they submit to unified leadership by the state and fulfil all their obligations under the state plan.


  State enterprises practise democratic management through congresses of workers and staff and in other ways in accordance with the law.

  第十七條 集體經濟組織在接受國家計劃指導和遵守有關法律的前提下,有獨立進行經濟活動的自主權。


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