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發(fā)布時間: 2018-01-15 10:04:52   作者:譯聚網   來源: 法律翻譯網   瀏覽次數(shù):

  第十三條 國家保護公民的合法的收入、儲蓄、房屋和其他合法財產的所有權。

  Article 13 The state protects the right of citizens to own lawfully earned income, savings, houses and other lawful property.

  國家依照法律規(guī)定保護公民的私有財產的繼承權。 外語#教育網www.for68.com

  The state protects according to law the right of citizens to inherit private property.

  第十四條 國家通過提高勞動者的積極性和技術水平,推廣先進的科學技術,完善經濟管理體制和企業(yè)經營管理制度,實行各種形式的社會主義責任制,改進勞動組織,以不斷提高勞動生產率和經濟效益,發(fā)展社會生產力。

  Article 14 The state continuously raises labour productivity, improves economic results and develops the productive forces by enhancing the enthusiasm of the working people, raising the level of their technical skill, disseminating advanced science and technology, improving the systems of economic administration and enterprise operation and management, instituting the socialist system of responsibility in various forms and improving the organization of work.


  The state practises strict economy and combats waste.


  The state properly apportions accumulation and consumption, concerns itself with the interests of the collective and the individual as well as of the state and, on the basis of expanded production, gradually improves the material and cultural life of the people.

  第十五條 國家在社會主義公有制基礎上實行計劃經濟。國家通過經濟計劃的綜合平衡和市場調節(jié)的輔助作用,保證國民經濟按比例地協(xié)調發(fā)展。


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