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發(fā)布時間: 2019-07-10 09:23:04   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):


Q: The China-US trade war took place in a broader backdrop. Before the trade war, the Trump administration already listed China as a strategic competitor, marking a major change in the US policy toward China. The US congress is more hawkish toward China, and the American business community is also on board. The United States even threatened to impose 25% tariff on all Chinese exports to the United States. China's official media, China Daily, said in an article that the United States is not just after trade, but its real purpose is to contain China's development in all its aspects. What do you think about this?


Ambassador Gui: When we look at international relations, a basic principle is that the cold war is over and that state-to-state relations should no longer be zero-sum games. China is committed to an open policy of win-win cooperation. The Chinese side is willing to develop friendly and cooperative relations with all countries in the world and better achieve common development through cooperation. China has a population of nearly 1.4 billion, accounting for one-fifth of the world's total population. The world cannot achieve good development without the good development of China. We are firmly committed to peaceful development and do not regard any country as a strategic competitor. The fact that some people in the US define China as a strategic competitor is a manifestation of their Cold War mentality. Trying to achieve one's own development by limiting the development of other countries will not work. The only way to solve the problems existing in China-US trade relations is to have dialogue and consultation to achieve win-win cooperation. The consultations must be equal-footed and reasonably address the concerns of both parties, instead of only addressing the concerns of the US. It should not only be a win for the United States, but win-win outcomes for both sides, and it needs to bring benefits to other countries of the world.



Q: What Mr. Ambassador said that makes sense. In the China-US trade consultations, where is China's red line? What clauses are absolutely unacceptable to China?

Ambassador Gui: China-US trade consultations must be based on equality and mutual respect, achieve win-win outcomes for both China and the United States, and bring benefits to the rest of the world. China will never accept any terms that undermine its core interests and national dignity.



Q: The China-US trade war has been going on for some time and may continue. In this context, what does China-EU trade relationship mean to China? Will Europe be more important to China?

Ambassador Gui: The EU is an important pole in the world and the largest economy in the world. The EU has been important and will be more important to China. Regardless of the results of the China-US trade consultations, China will unswervingly support a stronger and more united EU, and unswervingly commit itself to developing mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation with the EU and its member states. As far as trade is concerned, we welcome European countries including Sweden to export more high-quality products to China, meet the need of China's economic and social development, and meet the need of the Chinese people to improve their living standards. In order to expand imports from all over the world, under the initiative of President Xi Jinping, China successfully hosted the world's first International Import Expo in Shanghai last November. In November this year, we will hold the 2nd China International Import Expo. We welcome entrepreneurs from all over the world who are interested in exploring the Chinese market to participate in this event, bring their best products, and present them to the Chinese consumers and market. Since 2017, Sweden has maintained a trade surplus with China. We welcome the Swedish side to expand its trade surplus with China. No matter how big Sweden's trade surplus with China is, we will not fight a trade war with Sweden like the United States.


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