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發(fā)布時間: 2018-11-08 09:02:33   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡   瀏覽次數(shù):

純真世界 A True Escape

東方獨秀 Like No Other Place in the Orient 

超乎想象 Beyond Your imagination 

久負盛名 Long Established 

卓越不俗 Excellent but Not Fancy 

追求完美 A Passion for Perfect 

盡善盡美 The Best of Everything 

近在咫尺 Close than Ever 

享樂世界 A World of Comfort 

及時行樂 Enjoy in Time 

盡情享受 Enjoy It Fully

滴滴香濃 Good to the Last Drop 

平添情趣 Make Life Rewarding 

無微不至 We've thought of everything. /We'll Take Care of Everything.

照顧周全 W're Always Available.

賓至如歸 Guests Feel at Home.

—應俱全 You Name It,and We've Got It.

享受人生 Enjoy Life a Little before It's Too Late.

隨心所欲 Your Kind of Fun 

心曠神怡 Catch the Spirit

輕松人生 An Easy Journey of Life 

重塑自我 The Antidote Civilization 


先生,辛苦了!Hard Day,Sir?

志向更高遠 We're Aiming Higher.


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