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發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2018-08-14 09:23:28   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 中華人民共和國海關(guān)總署   瀏覽次數(shù):





(IV) Extension of Exhibits

The extension procedure shall be processed at the Shanghai Customs pursuant to regulations in the event of the extension necessity for temporarily imported exhibits of the CIIE to be re-exported.

(V) Bonded Exhibition and Trade

The bonded exhibition and trade of the CIIE refers to those activities in the permanent halls of the CIIE, other than the Regional Center by enterprises registered in the Customs special supervision area or bonded logistics center (Type B) (hereinafter referred to as the “Regional Center”) after the guarantee for such bounded cargoes is submitted. During the CIIE, the bonded warehouse approved by the Customs can be treated as Regional Center doing bonded exhibition and trade business.






VII. Personnel and Personal Articles

(I) Personnel 

Personnel receiving the entry quarantine must, according to requirements of quarantine doctors, truly report the physical condition, and show the certificate of prophylactic vaccination for infectious disease, health certificate, or other valid certificates. Personnel proved to be with entry-forbidden diseases (serious mental disease, infectious phthisis, or other infectious diseases possible to cause major dangers to public health) by Port Quarantine shall not be permitted for entry.

(II) Personal Articles

1. Taxation and Exemption. The principle of “self-use and reasonable quantity” shall be followed for general daily articles carried by individuals. The personal articles within the duty-free scope ruled by the Customs will be exempted from import duties and taxes, but the articles exceeding the aforesaid scope will be taxed, and then, permitted for entry. The procedures of Customs Clearance shall be processed pursuant to relevant rules in the event of personal articles exceeding the scope of “self-use and reasonable quantity”.



Individual shall declare to the Customs for his/her inbound personal articles through the  unaccompanied luggage mode, when he/she enters into China. After the unaccompanied luggage arrives, the individual himself/herself or his/her broker shall submit the written application to the Customs, and process the procedure at Customs of the place from which he/she enters by valid ID document, certificate related to declaration, the article list, etc. Before leaving China, individual or his/her broker shall submit the application to Customs of the place from which he/she will leave by valid exit certificate, and process the procedure of the Customs Clearance pursuant to regulations for his/her personal articles going to leave the border as unaccompanied luggage. The Customs will, according to regulations, exempt the tax on personal articles within the duty-free scope, and release them. Customs Clearance procedure will be processed based on relevant rules for those exceeding the scope of “self-use and reasonable quantity”.

A limited value of 800 yuan each time is set for articles mailed by individuals from or to regions of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan; such limited value is 1,000 yuan for those from or to other countries and regions. Inbound and outbound articles mailed by individuals, which exceed the value limit, shall be processed for returned cargo procedure or Customs Clearance procedure in line with the rules. However, if there is only one indivisible item in the parcel, which exceeds the value limit but is checked and proved by the Customs to be for self-use, it can be processed for Customs Clearance procedure as individual article. In terms of inbound articles mailed by individuals, which are imposed with import duty by the Customs according to laws, the import amount due less than 50 yuan (including 50 yuan) shall be exempted by the Customs. The transported commercial parcel for import and export shall be processed for Customs Clearance procedure pursuant to cargo rules. 


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