

搜索 導航
2019-09-04 09:26:31    譯聚網    外交部    




Q: Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif is paying a visit in China. What is the latest development about his visit?

A: I announced Foreign Minister Zarif's visit to China and the expectations from the Chinese side last week.

As far as I know, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will have talks with Foreign Minister Zarif later this afternoon. We will release the information in due course.




Q: According to reports, Russian President Putin instructed the defense and foreign ministries to analyze the threat posed to the country by the recent US ground-launched cruise missile test and prepare a "symmetrical response". In your point of view, how will this affect security situation in the region and in the world?

A: We note relevant reports. Less than three weeks after the official US withdrawal from the INF treaty, the Pentagon conducted the ground-based cruise missile test that was banned under the treaty. This fully reveals that the US withdrawal was meant to free itself to develop advanced weaponry and seek unilateral military advantage.

The US move will trigger a new round of arms race and lead to an escalation of military confrontation, which will have a serious impact on the international and regional security landscape. We advise it to discard the obsolete Cold War mentality and zero-sum game mindset, exercise self-restraint on arms development, uphold the existing arms control regime and contribute to global strategic balance and stability and international and regional peace and security.



Q: This weekend saw increased violence in Hong Kong with the police deploying water cannon trucks and one officer firing a warning shot. How does the central government view this?

A: The Hong Kong SAR government and police have responded to relevant questions. The central government firmly supports Chief Executive Carrie Lam in leading the SAR government to govern by law and firmly supports the Hong Kong police in lawfully ending violence and chaos and restoring order.



Q: US President Trump said that the US and China had two calls over the weekend. Is that true? Are you aware of the discussions? Is China willing to continue consultations with the US?

A: As I said just now, I haven't heard of the calls.



We have been emphasizing all along that the trade differences between China and the US should be solved through dialogue and consultation. The US decision to further raise tariffs violates the two presidents' Osaka consensus, tramples on multilateral trading rules, harms both countries' interests, threatens the security of the global industrial chain and supply chain, and drags down global trade and world economic growth. It is not constructive in any way and no one, not even the US itself, stands to gain.

We have noted that the US move to escalate trade friction has aroused wide concern from within the US and in the international community. We hope the US will give up its wrong approach, come back to reason and create conditions for consultations on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.

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