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2014年2月27日外交部發(fā)言人華春瑩主持例行記者會 中英對照
2018-03-09 09:38:45    譯聚網(wǎng)    中華人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室    


Q: First, Australia says that it still hopes to wrap up a free trade agreement with China within this year. Given the fact that it recently called Japan the most important friend in Asia, will the free trade talks be affected? Second, there's been report that China is seeking compensation of three billion US dollars from Ukraine for the breach of a loan-for-grain agreement. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry denied this, saying that the two countries are consulting on this issue. Could you elaborate on this?


A: An early conclusion of China-Australia free trade agreement serves the shared interests of the two countries. Leaders from both countries have recently reaffirmed their political commitment to accelerate the negotiation. As long as both sides show more flexibility in the spirit of mutual benefit, mutual understanding and accommodation, an early breakthrough in the negotiation will be possible.


Over recent years, China-Australia relations have developed rapidly into a strategic partnership. Both China and Australia are important Asia-Pacific countries. We have a wide array of shared interests and a broad horizon for cooperation. Both sides should adopt a strategic and long-term approach and work together on the basis of mutual trust and mutual respect to steadily advance the friendly cooperation and promote common prosperity and development in the Asia-Pacific.

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