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發(fā)布時間: 2019-07-18 09:09:58   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):


- We must explore more avenues to achieve development for all. Development is the master key to address all problems. We must strike a good balance between development and security in the process of advancing political, economic, social, cultural and ecological progress. We need to follow the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits in strengthening dialogue and cooperation in economy, finance, science and technology, energy and other areas in a bid to build an open world economy of higher standards. This way, we will be better able to promote common security through greater convergence of interests while rejecting protectionism practiced in the name of national security.



- We must promote mutual learning among civilizations. Diversity of civilizations and of development paths is both a natural result and a driving force of human progress. People from different political systems and with different historical, cultural and religious backgrounds need to reject estrangement, exclusion, suspicion and hostility, and promote greater mutual knowledge, mutual understanding, mutual trust and inclusiveness. This approach will be conducive to fundamentally forestalling the breeding and spreading of extremist ideologies.

- We must jointly respond to new challenges facing humanity. We must seek the largest possible common ground as we set out to improve the international legal system and global governance mechanisms, and extend international cooperation to new areas such as the Internet, artificial intelligence, outer space, deep sea and polar affairs. We must stand up to our shared responsibilities to implement the international consensus on climate change, strengthen international cooperation in poverty reduction, disaster relief and public health, and combat transnational crime and terrorism in all its forms.




Distinguished Guests,

In its eight-year history, the World Peace Forum has gained growing influence. At this year's Forum, experts from all over the world will have in-depth discussions on stabilizing the international order. I hope you will provide each other much food for thought, build consensus, and contribute your wisdom to world peace and development.

To conclude, I wish the Forum a full success.


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