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發(fā)布時間: 2019-07-17 09:05:13   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):



China's development presents a vast array of opportunities to Australia and the region. China stands for the future. China stands for opportunities. That's why more and more people are learning Chinese. More parents are sending their children to learn Chinese. Underpinned by the rising demand, the CLTFA will continue to flourish and have more profound influence in the future. Through Chinese language learning, people not only are equipped with a practical tool for communication and career development, but also are bestowed the golden key to understand Chinese history, culture and society. Therefore your work will not only change the life of many individuals, in the long run, it will change the way how Australia and the Australian people perceive China.

As you are about to engage in professional exchanges at this Conference, as an outsider, I would like to present three modest proposals for you to consider in achieving your mission possible.

  一是樹立更高目標。中文是澳大利亞除英語外最常使用的語言,希望中文教師聯(lián)會繼續(xù)在全澳各中小學推廣中文教學,動員更多的學生和家庭學習中文。西澳中文教師協(xié)會在張潔琦會長和她的卓越團隊帶領下積極進取,令我倍感自豪。張會長所在的澳博思小學用中文教授科學、藝術和數(shù)學等幾門功課,該校頗有遠見的TIM BAMBER校長今天也在場。我希望越來越多的學校能增設中文課程,這將有助于你們學校的國際公民們學會中文這門非常有用的語言。

First, be ambitious. Chinese is already the most spoken language in Australia aside from English. I hope that the CLTFA will continue to promote Chinese Language teaching in primary and secondary schools throughout Australia, and through your members in each and every school, mobilize more students and families to register for Chinese language learning. I am very proud that here in WA, we have a very active CLTFA affiliate association CLTAWA led by Jieqi Zhang and her wonderful committee team. Oberthur Primary school where Jieqi works teaches science, arts and maths to Australian students in Chinese. The visionary principal Mr. Tim Bamber is here with us today. We hope more and more schools will include Chinese teaching in their school curriculum learning and equip our young global citizens with this very useful language.


Second, be imaginative. In addition to classroom teaching, organize all kinds of activities and events to arouse interests of students in Chinese culture. Assemble student choirs, organize martial arts and other cultural experience programs. Establish partnerships with schools in China and promote student exchanges in the form of summer camps etc. These activities will help enhance and complement your efforts in the classroom and have spillover effects. In this regard, I am happy to inform you that the Chinese Consulate-General in Perth will open house and host a Chinese Language Student Awards 2019 issued by the Australia China Friendship Society WA branch. I encourage you to approach my colleagues in your states to do the same.


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