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發(fā)布時間: 2019-07-17 09:05:13   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: 很高興參加2019年澳大利亞中文教師聯(lián)會第25屆年會。作為中國駐珀斯總領(lǐng)事,歡迎遠道而來參會的朋友們,希望大家有時間感受珀斯...

Statement by Consul-General Dong Zhihua at the 25th National Conference of the Chinese Language Teachers' Federation of Australia







Hon. Samantha Rowe MLC, Parliament Secretary to the Minister of Education and Training, representative of Hon. Sue Ellery MLC, Minister for Education and Training and Hon. Paul Papalia MLA, Minister for Tourism; Racing and Gaming; Small Business, Defence Issues; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests,

Ms. Kim Ellwood, Executive Director, Office of Multicultural Interests, Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries,

Mr. Geoff Davis AM, Founder and Life Member, Chinese Language Teachers' Federation of Australia(CLTFA),

Dr. Li Fuxin, National President of CLTFA ,

Mrs. Zhang Jieqi, President, Chinese Language Teachers' Association of Western Australia, 

Distinguished members of CLTFA,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear friends,



It is my great pleasure to attend the 25th National Conference of the Chinese Language Teachers' Federation of Australia (CLTFA). As Chinese Consul General in Perth, I cordially welcome you all. To those who have traveled afar to Western Australia, I hope you figure out some time to enjoy the very unique beauty of Perth, which local people takes great pride in. Though I have been here merely two and a half months, Perth has already captured my heart as a shining pearl in the Indian Ocean, which is located in the most populous time zone in the world.

I must say that this Conference is very important and meaningful. China has long entrenched respect for teachers, and this tradition dates back to the era of Confucius more than 2000 years ago. Teaching is considered one of the best careers in China and Chinese government formally designated September 10 as Teachers' Day in 1985. Chinese Embassy and all the five Consulate Generals in Australia firmly support the work of the CLTFA. I am very happy to join you today to celebrate Chinese language teachers from every corner of Australia, and I would like to first of all share with you the congratulatory message from H.E. Ambassador Cheng Jingye.



Congratulations to the 25th Anniversary of the Chinese Language Teachers' Federation of Australia (CLTFA)! Over the years, the CLTFA has played praiseworthy roles in popularizing Chinese language teaching in Australian elementary and secondary education. I hereby forward great compliments to the Chinese language teachers in Australia for your unremitting efforts thus paid and the outstanding achievements thus attained.

Best wishes to the CLTFA and hopefully the Federation would make greater contributions to promote Chinese Language and culture in Australia and furthermore to strengthen the People-to-People exchange between China and Australia!


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