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發(fā)布時間: 2019-07-17 09:05:13   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):


On behalf of Ambassador Cheng and Minister Counsellor Zong Wa, I would like to pay tribute to the CLTFA and its members. Thank you for the hard work and achievements you have made. You have been so dedicated to your students, to your schools, to your communities and to your country. Many of the CLTFA members devote their whole life to this glorious career. It's not only about Chinese Language teaching, it is about promoting mutual understanding and enhancing communication, about facilitating practical cooperation and fostering people-to-people linkages between China and Australia. We are very proud of you and your amazing work and we will always be your powerful and secure backing.



I would also like to thank the Australian federal and state governments for their strong support to Chinese language teaching. I am impressed by Prime Minister Morrison's congratulatory message to the CLTFA. He declared that "the emergence of China is one of the world's great economic miracles", and "the linkages (between Australia and China) can only be strengthened as students learn Chinese languages, history and culture". The remarks tone the vision and attitude of the new federal government on Chinese language teaching and release optimistic signals in the context of our bilateral relations.

State governments are very enthusiastic about Chinese language education. Here in WA, more than 50 primary and secondary schools teach Chinese as second language, which is a compulsory course for year 3 to year 8. The WA School Curriculum and Standards Authority has formulated curriculum for Chinese learning from Kindergarten all through to high schools. I have just met with Hon. Sue Ellery MLC, Minister for Education and Training this week and she is very supportive. WA state government is also one of the generous sponsors of this Conference. Special thanks to the Office of Multicultural Interests, Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. I assume the other states are doing more or less the same.


Dear friends,

By setting the theme of this Conference as Mission Possible: Equipping global citizens with Chinese Language and Culture, the CLTFA has demonstrated its vision and mission in such a magnificent way. In a world that is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, we face both increasing opportunities and unprecedented challenges. The well-being of people in all countries has never been so closely intertwined as it is today. We need to have a sense of global citizenship and work together to build a community of shared future for mankind, as proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping. This year marks the 70th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China. 40 years of reform and opening up has transformed China into the second largest economy in the world and a powerful engine of growth for global economy. We stand ready to build and strengthen partnerships with all countries and construct bridges for exchanges and mutual learning among different cultures. To deepen education cooperation is our main focus.


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