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發(fā)布時間: 2019-07-16 09:24:11   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):


Still there is a ray of hope, as the leaders of China and the U.S. have reached some positive consensus during the G20 Summit a week ago. We wish the U.S. Side would live up to its words and meet half way with the Chinese side. A mutually beneficial solution through dialogue and discussion would be achieved at last, which will bestow the global market with confidence and vitality. After all, a steady and sound China-U.S. relationship is in accordance with the interests of both countries and the world.

  修路還是筑墻,選擇一直在我們自己的手中。我相信包括馬來西亞在內(nèi)的國際社會能夠看清前行的方向,作出明智的選擇,打破封閉自利的高墻,共同建設(shè)開放共榮的道路。而我也愿在此重申,不論形勢如何發(fā)展變化,中國將繼續(xù)堅持對外開放,繼續(xù)和各國攜起手來,推動建設(shè)更加開放、包容、普惠、平衡、共贏的世界。一個更加開放的中國,將與世界形成更加良性的互動,并惠及包括馬來西亞在內(nèi)的世界各國人民?! ?/p>

To build roads or to build walls, the choice is yours. I believe countries around the world, including Malaysia, would identify the right path and make the right choice, by tearing down the walls of selfishness and building the road to common prosperity. Here I would also like to reiterate that, no matter where the chip falls, China will stay committed to the reform and opening up. China will continue to join hands with other countries, making the world more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all. As China opens wider to the world, it will certainly foster more positive dynamics with the world, and bring about more benefits to the people from all countries, including Malaysia.

With that I'd like to conclude my speech and wish this forum a full success.


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