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發(fā)布時間: 2019-07-16 09:15:55   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):


As President Xi Jinping emphasized many times, "China will do well only when the world does well, and vice versa." This is precisely why China proposed the Belt and Road Initiative and commits itself to the multilateralism.

The five-thousand-year Chinese civilization has always advocated the idea of "harmony among differences" and "seeking common ground while reserving differences". We have never regarded the development of other countries as threats to ourselves, and never harmed others' interests for our own benefits, letting alone threating others with maximum pressure, quitting from responsibilities or decoupling.

The Chinese side, with all our sincerity and goodwill, is willing to reach a mutually beneficial solution with the U.S. side through dialogues and discussions based on mutual respect, equality and integrity, and thus bestowing the global market with confidence and vitality. We are willing to cooperate with, not to fight with, the U.S. to make positive contributions to the world economy and global governance, making China and the U.S. greater and the world better.

But wherever the chip falls, China will keep true to its own path. China will remain committed to the reform and opening up policy, and maintain a sound momentum of economic growth. China will foster a more positive dynamic with the world, and continue to function as an engine for the global development.


Finally, I want to tell that friend from media that, the China-U.S. trade dispute is not a fair game with rules and referees, but a trade conflict that the U.S. unilaterally provoked and China was forced to fight back. The consensus reached during the meeting between President Xi Jinping and U.S. president Donald Trump at the G20 Summit is encouraging. We look forward to the U.S. side living up to its words, to work with the Chinese side and to find a solution acceptable to both sides through friendly dialogue. For China, the U.S. and the world, an eventual solution to the trade dispute would definitely worth the wait.


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