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發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2019-07-16 09:15:55   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):


China was pulled into the trade war, with its back to the wall. For China, this is a war to combat economic bullying, a war to safeguard our legitimate right of development, and a war to safeguard the international rules and the multilateral trade system. Last month, the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China issued a white paper entitled China's Position on the China-U.S. Economic and Trade Consultations, which comprehensively elaborated on China's position on the trade disputes, so I would not go into details here. Instead, I wish to point out four basic facts.



Firstly, the ultimate motive of the U.S. starting the trade war towards China is to bully the latter under the name of "fair trade". The U.S., wielding its "club of tariff" and carrying the banner of unilateralism and protectionism, blatantly pursues the policy of "America First" and tries to coerce China into giving up its own interests and development rights.

Secondly, the U.S. decisions are counterproductive, and it is getting a taste of its own medicine. Due to the trade war, the domestic production costs and prices have raised significantly, and the economic growth of the U.S. has been hindered and the exports from the U.S. to China has scaled down.

According to the latest statistics on the Forbes website, oil exports from the U.S. fell by 2.49 billion USD compared with the first four months of 2018, among which the exports to China fell from 11% to 2.6%. The LPG exports from the U.S. to China fell by 87%, decreasing 640 million USD. Cotton exports from the U.S. to China fell by 48.33%, decreasing 289 million USD. Soybean exports to China fell by 27.49%, decreasing 710 million USD. The objections against the trade war inside the U.S. have been making waves, and are only getting louder.


Thirdly, the U.S. has underestimated China's determination and capacity to safeguard its core interests and to counter economic bullying. As the world's second largest economy, China has a huge and irreplaceable domestic market that no country could bear to lose. China has its complete industry chain, advanced infrastructures and business-friendly environments. Consumption has become the main driver of China's economic growth for five consecutive years, with a contribution rate of 76.2% to China's economic growth in 2018, while the contribution rate of exports has been decreasing. As a matter of fact, instead of a total collapse as predicted by the U.S., the Chinese economy has maintained a good momentum of sustained and steady development.


Lastly, it is only right to defend the multilateral trading system and to build an open world economy. Malaysia is a pro-trade country with a highly globalized economy, with exports and imports of goods and services equivalent to about 130% of GDP in 2018. A fair, open and transparent international trade system is crucial to each country's development and prosperity, including Malaysia.

In short term, Asian countries like Malaysia may become the beneficiaries of production relocation or import substitute caused by the trade war. However in the long run, all Asian economies work as a part of the global value chain. Any break in the chain will cause systematic damage to all of us. It is an unrealistic idea to look at the China-U.S. trade war with opportunism or a fluke mind, hoping that any of us could survive or even profit from it.


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