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發(fā)布時間: 2019-07-12 09:15:32   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):


The second H is horizon.

Universities may have walls, but they are not barricaded against ideas, thoughts, talents or knowledge. I think this is an age that calls for broader horizon and broader minds. This is a time to bridge the gap between cultures and break the fence between ideologies. This is an era for exchanges not discrimination, an era for inclusion not exclusion, an era for dialogue not confrontation, and an era for coexistence not conflict.

As was just announced, the Chinese Government would offer scholarships to 20 students from the University of Huddersfield for short-term study in China. It is my hope that the recipients could take advantage of this experience to broaden their horizon and become a bridge of better understanding and mutual trust between our two countries.


  哈德斯菲爾德大學的校訓是“激勵全球?qū)I(yè)人士”(Inspiring Global Professionals),相信我期望的這三個“H”也能激勵你們?yōu)橹杏⒂押煤献魈泶u加瓦,為兩國人文交流與合作做出新的更大貢獻!


The third H is headway.

The world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. To make headway amid such changes, all countries of the world should stand up against protectionism and unilateralism. As long as we join hands, shoulder our due responsibilities and have each other's back in difficulties, we will be able to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

The motto of the University of Huddersfield is "Inspiring Global Professionals". I hope what I have said about three "H's" would inspire you to make new and greater contribution to China-UK cooperation in education and people-to-people exchanges!

Thank you!


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