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2019-09-06 09:14:08    譯聚網(wǎng)    外交部    


To maintain social stability, the Hong Kong SAR government has decided to suspend the amendments. But the opposition and radical forces in Hong Kong did not stop, instead they deliberately incited violence under the cover of"opposing amendments to the ordinances". They illegally stormed Hong Kong's Legislative Council and the Liaison Office of the Chinese Central Government, blatantly insulted the Chinese national flag and national emblem, Hong Kong SAR emblem, and organized massive demonstrations to maliciously block roads, subways, occupy airports to paralyze public traffic, beat visitors and journalists, and assault the police officers even with the lethal weapons. Such lawless and inhuman atrocities in flagrant violation of human rights have seriously undermined the rule of law and social order in Hong Kong, which has completely overstepped the bottom line of law, morality, humanity, and the principle of"One Country, Two Systems".


It is worth noting that certain countries are playing dishonorable roles in the complicated situation of Hong Kong. Some foreign politicians have confounded right with wrong, and slandered "One Country, Two Systems", blamed the Chinese government and backed up the violent law breakers. They themselves never hesitated to use heavy police and forces to suppress the violent movement at home while beautifying violent crimes in Hong Kong as "seeking human rights and freedoms". This typical double standard has laid bare the ill-will of these forces. For those foreign forces who want to make a mess of Hong Kong and contain China's development, China's attitude is very clear: the Hong Kong issue is China's internal affair, and it is not allowed for other countries to make irresponsible remarks. China will never allow any foreign forces to interfere in Hong Kong's internal affairs. Any attempt to create chaos in Hong Kong are doomed to fail.


Over the past 22 years since Hong Kong's return to China, the Central Government of China has remained committed to the policies of "One Country, Two Systems", "the people of Hong Kong governing Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy in the SAR, in strict accordance with the Chinese Constitution and the Basic Law of Hong Kong. Hong Kong has been the world's freest economy for 25 years in a row, notable for its prosperous and stable society and top economic and social development worldwide. It has been ranked 16th in the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index in 2018, much higher than the 60th in 1996. Facts have proved that "One Country, Two Systems" is the best solution for Hong Kong after the handover, an excellent arrangement for the region's long-term prosperity and stability. It is imperative to correctly understand that "One Country, Two Systems" must be seen as one inseparable concept, and "One Country" is the basis and precondition for the viability of "Two Systems". Should the "One Country" principle be undermined, "Two Systems" would not materialize. Any attempt to question the necessity of upholding "One Country" with the exercise of "Two Systems" constitutes a challenge to China's sovereignty.

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