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2019-09-06 09:07:06    譯聚網(wǎng)    外交部    

H.E. Zhou Pingjian, Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria: The Chinese Economy is not a Pond, but an Ocean



On September 1, 2019, Nigerian newspaper Business Day published an article written by Ambassador of China to Nigeria Dr. ZHOU Pingjian. The full text goes as follows:

China-US trade talks have been catching the eye of the Nigerian media for some time.



At the end of June, the Chinese and US Presidents reached the following consensus in Osaka during the G20 Summit: Restart trade consultations on the basis of equality and mutual respect; no new tariffs on Chinese exports by the US side; negotiation teams ready to discuss specific issues thereafter.

At the end of July, China and the US held the 12th round of high-level economic and trade negotiations in Shanghai. Both sides agreed to undertake intensive talks in August in preparation for the meeting between the heads of negotiation teams in September.


Though we still recall those words vividly, soon after the Shanghai negotiations, the US went back on its word and unilaterally announced an additional 10 per cent tariff on US$300 billion worth of Chinese goods as well as designated China as currency manipulator ignoring the facts. It clearly runs counter to the leaders' consensus and the correct direction. This again shows the world how flip-flopping the US can be.


What is more ridiculous is that the US calls black white and tells lies, accusing China of failing to fulfill its commitment to purchase American agricultural products and take effective measures to stop the flow of fentanyl into the US. However, from the Osaka meeting till the end of July, 2.27 million tons of American soybeans have been shipped to China. From May 1, China started class scheduling of all fentanyl-like substance with more rigorous standards than the US. As for the so-called currency manipulator, in the report released by the IMF this July, China's current account surplus was only 0.4 percent of GDP in 2018, which is far below the American criteria (an overall current account surplus over 3 percent of the country's annual GDP) for what constitutes manipulation. So designating China as currency manipulator is an absolutely groundless statement.



We Chinese always believe that one's word shall be kept at all costs. As Confucius observed over 2000 years ago, "One must keep one's word with results-oriented actions." This is part of our cultural tradition and a way of life for the Chinese people. When it comes to abiding by international treaties and fulfilling international obligations, China has a very good track record.

The US, on the contrary, has been breaking commitments, overturning consensus and trampling on rules at every turn. Just look at its withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, the JCPOA, and more recently, the INF treaty. It never hesitates to renege on its earlier major commitments that bear on global strategic balance and stability. Does it have even a shred of credibility left?

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