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發(fā)布時間: 2018-10-25 09:07:33   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):

華林寺 Hualin Temple

六榕寺 Liurong ( Six-Banyan-Tree ) Temple, well- known for its Liurong Flower Pagoda(六榕花塔)

海幢寺 Haichuang Temple 

能仁寺 Nengren Temple

懷圣寺 Huaisheng Mosque(one of the earliest three mosques in the Southern coastal areas in ancient China), also called Fanfang Mosque

光塔 Guangta Minaret stands in Huaisheng Mosque, one of the earliest mosques in China commemorating Mohammed, the founder of Islam. It is said to have heen built by an Arab priest who came to China a thousand years ago in the early Tang Dynasty

三元官 Sanyuangong Palace (It is said that Sanyuan- gong is the first laoist Temple in South China)

黃大仙祠 Wong Tai Sin Temple 

五仙觀 Wuxianguan (Five-Immortal) Temple 

陳家祠 Ancestral Temple of ( the) Chen Family (Guangdong Folk Arts Museum)

南誨神廟 Temple of South China Sea God, also Nanhai Polo Temple (built in 594 BC)

廣州耶穌圣心大教堂(石室)Guangzhou Sacred Heart Cathedral

純陽觀 Chunyangguan Observatory (It is also a Taoist Temple.)

云津閣 Yunjinge Pagoda [It is a Wenmiao (Confucius) Temple.]

琶洲塔 Pazhou Pagoda 

赤崗塔 Chigang Pagoda 

蓮花塔 Lianhua(Lotus-Flower) Pagoda 

三影塔 Sanying(Tri-Shadow) Pagoda 

千佛塔 Qianfo Pagoda

大雁塔 Dayan(Wild-Goose)Pagoda built in the Ming Dynasty

元魁塔 Yuankui Pagoda 

揭陽涵元塔 Hanyuan Pagoda in Jieyang 

三元塔 Sanyuan Pagoda 

雷州塔 Leizhou Pagoda


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  • 下一篇:廣東省著名景點的翻譯

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