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散文翻譯示例《冬夜》——Winter Night
2021-05-30 09:22:24    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    

他說晚上在那些山里,只要你是一個正派的人,就可以朝燈火人家一直走去,迎著犬聲,敞開樹陰下的柴門,大膽地闖進。對著火堆周圍的人們,不管他男的女的,用兩手向他們兩肩頭一分,就把你帶著風(fēng)寒露濕的身子,輕輕地放了進去。燒山芋和熱茶的香味,便一下子撲人你的鼻子。抬頭看,四周閃著微笑的眼睛,歡迎著,毫沒有怪你唐突的神情。你剛開口說由哪兒來的時候,一杯很熱的濃茶,就遞在你的下巴邊上。老太婆盼咐她的孫女,快把火撥大些,多添點子柴,說是客人要烘吸他的身子;你暖和了,還不覺得疲倦的話,你可以摸摸小孩子的下巴,擰擰他們的臉蛋,做一點奇怪的樣子,給他們嬉笑。年輕的媽媽,一高興了,便會慫恿他的孩子把拿著要吃的燒山芋,分開一半,放在你這位客人的手上。如果你要在他們家過夜,他們的招待,就更來得殷勤些。倘若歇一會,暖暖身子,還要朝前趕路,一出柴門,還可聽見一片歡送的聲音:“轉(zhuǎn)來時,請來玩呀!”老頭子講著講著,給冷風(fēng)一吹,便又咳嗽起來,我聽得冷都忘記了,突然老頭子忘形地拉著我問道:  “先生,這到底是什么原因哪?……這里的人家,火堆一定燒得多的,看窗子多么亮哪……他們?yōu)槭裁床粶室粋€異鄉(xiāng)人進去烤烤手哩?”

"When you end up in the mountains at night," he said, "and if you are a decent person, you can always turn to the place where there is a light flickering and a dog harking. You push open the bramble gate under the shade and walk in without hesitation. Part the people, men or women, around the fire with your hands and you bring yourself -- a cold and wet man with dew-among them. Immediately your nose is filled with the aroma of hot tea and roast sweet potatoes. When you look round you see friendly faces smiling at you; there is no hint of anything like blame for what elsewhere might be considered as brusqueness. Scarcely have you begun to tell them where you come from when a cup of hot and strong tea is handed over to you. Grandma will tell her granddaughter to feed the fire with more wood, saying that the guest needs more beat to warm up. When you are recovered from cold and fatigue, you tend to tease the baby, stroking his chin, giving a gentle pinch to his cheek or making a face to provoke him to gurgle. He delighted young mother will encourage her baby to share his sweet potato with you. The baby will then break it in two and thrust one half into your hand. If you intend to stay overnight, you will be entertained with all possible hospitality. If you've just dropped in to warm up and then go on your way, they will see you off at the gate, saying 'Please do drop in on us again on your way back, ' "

In the middle of his babbling another gust of wind brushed by and the old man began to cough again. I was so intrigued by his story that I did not feel the cold any more. Suddenly he grabbed my hand, forgetting that we were strangers, and asked:

"Sir, could you tell me why the people here even do not allow a countryman in to warm his hands? They must've got bigger fires in their houses- Look at their bright windows. . . "




The bus came rumbling up. Withdrawing my hand from his, I answered at the top of my voice

"Because they are more civilized than the mountain people. . . "

With that I jumped onto the brightly-lit bus which started moving on, leaving the old man behind. But the little houses with flickering oil lamps in the remote mountains and the intoxicating warmth and friendliness of their inhabitants left a deep impress on my memory.


[上一頁][1] [2] 【歡迎大家踴躍評論】

上一篇:沃爾特?本雅明(Walter Benjamin)的神秘主義翻譯觀



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