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散文翻譯示例《冬夜》——Winter Night
2021-05-30 09:22:24    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡    

《冬夜》——Winter Night


Ai Wu




It was a cold winter night. The street was deserted. I stood alone under a tree with an entanglement of bare branches overhead, waiting for the last bus to arrive. A few paces off in the darkness there was a shadowy figure squatting against the wall, but tie turned out to be a tramp. The street was lined with fine houses, their illuminated windows beaming quietly towards the dark blue sky. It was icy cold with a gust of strong wired howling around. A couple of withered leaves, still clinging to the branches, rustled mournfully from time to tithe. The shadowy figure, taking a copper coin from me with thanks, straightened up to attempt a conversation with me.

"It's really cold here," he complained.  "It couldn't be colder anywhere else ....What do you think, sir?"

Seeing that he was not too nasty an old man, I readily responded: "It must he colder in the country, I'm afraid.”





"No, no," he disagreed and began to cough, his words stuck up in his throat.

"Why?" I asked. "In the country when it frosts, you always find the roofs and the fields turning white in the morning, but you don't see that here on the streets.”

He patted his chest to ease off his coughing and went on excitedly:  "True, true... it's cold in the country, but when you get into somebody's straw stack, you are warm again at once.... But this street, humm, what a terrible place! In the mountains, it's even colder, but when they have a fire in the house with the whole family sitting around it, wow, it's heaven!"

Then he began to relate to me the adventures of his younger days-travelling alone in winter nights through the mountains in the south. As I was interested in stories about wanderers and since the bus had not arrived yet, I encouraged him to go on.

[1] [2] [下一頁] 【歡迎大家踴躍評論】

上一篇:沃爾特?本雅明(Walter Benjamin)的神秘主義翻譯觀



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