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2021-05-29 09:44:45    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    


1) 麝月道:“……那些老媽媽子們,老天拔地,伏侍一天,也該叫他們歇歇,小丫頭子們也是伏侍了一天,這會子還不叫他們頑頑去。所以讓他們都去罷,我在這里看著?!保ǖ诙兀?/p>


"Those old women deserve a rest after waiting on you all day, and the girls ought to have some fun too after a day's work. So I let them all go while I keep an eye on things here."


"...The old women were practically dead on their feet after waiting on you all day; I had to let them go and rest. And the girls have been on duty all day, too. You could scarcely grudge them some time off now for amusement. — Which leaves only me to look after the place.'

麝月的這句答語中,講到“那些老媽媽子們”,說的是“也該叫他們歇歇”;講到“小丫頭子們”,說的不是“也該叫他們歇歇去”,而是“還不叫他們頑頑去”。這樣的錯綜句式在譯文中以不同方式得到了再現(xiàn):楊譯簡潔明了,以and連接兩個并列分句;霍譯則分作兩句表達(dá),兩句之間也用And連接,表明了緊密的結(jié)構(gòu)關(guān)系。無論哪個譯本,and 前后的語法結(jié)構(gòu)和語意均是對稱的,再現(xiàn)了原文語言的形式美。

2) 第二件,這些樓臺房舍,是必要用界劃的。一點(diǎn)不留神,欄桿也歪了,柱子也塌了,門窗也倒豎過來,階磯也離了縫,甚至于桌子擠到墻里去,花盆放在簾子上來,豈不倒成了 一張笑“話”兒了。(第四十二回)


The second essential thing is that in order to get the proportions of the buildings right you'll have to use a ruler. The least carelessness may result in crooked balustrades, collapsing pillars, lopsided windows and doors, steps out of line, or even tables squashed into the walls and flower-pots perched on top of screens. Then the whole thing would be a joke.


One of your difficulties is going to be the ruler-work. With all those buildings you're going to have to do the straight lines with a ruler, and in ruler-work if you're not very careful it's easy to make the most terrible mistakes——railings that slant to one side, leaning pillars, windows on the skew or steps drawn out of line. Sometimes pillars, windows on the skew or steps drawn out of line. Sometimes careless ruling can produce even more grotesque results, like a table squashed into a wall or a flowerpot apparently testing on the side of a curtain. Any one of these things is enough to make a painting look ridiculous.

[1] [2] [下一頁] 【歡迎大家踴躍評論】

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