

搜索 導(dǎo)航
2017-06-22 14:28:38    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    

No country is perfect. We need to present the facts as they are and let the world know that China is confronted with serious challenges. We should not only inform the world of our achievements, but also our efforts to face up to problems. We need to be proactive and let China's voice be heard on all matters concerning China. Efforts of this kind will help people in other countries foster objective and balanced views about China. In recent years. Chinese leaders and diplomatic missions are making greater eftorts in this area and the Chinese people traveling, studying and working abroad are also playing a role.
7. 有朋友問,對西方那些老想遏制中國、成心抹黑中國的人,開展公共外交是否有意義?我認(rèn)為,西方確實有人試圖遏制和抹黑中國,這很難改變,但大多數(shù)西方人還是希望了解和接近中國,我們應(yīng)該看到主流趨勢, 增強自信心,努力為增進(jìn)東西方理解出一份力。
Some in China may ask: Isn't the West set to contain China? Isn't the Western media determined to smear China's image? What is the point of engaging them in public diplomacy? I would say that,there are always people out there trying to contain China and smear our image, and it may be impossible to change their mind, but most people in the Western world want to understand and know more about China. We should be confident and engage in promoting understanding between the East and the West.
8. 地方交流在推動兩國民眾間的相互了解和友誼中發(fā)揮著不可替代的作用。中方對與其他國家發(fā)展地方、教育、文化等領(lǐng)域的合作持積極態(tài)度。中國很多省市已經(jīng)與不少外國地方建立了友好關(guān)系,開展密切合作。中國廣大中西部地區(qū)也很愿意擴(kuò)大對外交往。
Local exchange was indispensable in promoting mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples. China is active in developing cooperation with other countries in local areas, education and culture. Many Chinese provinces and cities have established friendly relations and close cooperation with foreign counterparts. China's western and central areas are also ready to have such exchanges and cooperation.
9. 2008年,溫家寶總理和布朗首相共同倡議雙方建立“青年交流機制”。當(dāng)前,中國年輕人的“留英熱”持續(xù)升溫,在英中國留學(xué)生已超過10萬人。同時英國的青年對中國也更加感興趣,興起了一股“漢語熱”。青年是國家的未來和希望,中英關(guān)系的未來需要你們共同開創(chuàng)。希望中英兩國青年不斷加強對話與溝通,增進(jìn)了解與理解,相互借鑒與學(xué)習(xí),加深合作和友誼,使中英關(guān)系的明天更加美好。
In 2008 Premier Wen Jiabao and Prime Minister Gordon Brown jointly set up a mechanism for regular exchanges between young people of our two countries. The“UK study fever” that swept China has brought more than 100,000 Chinese students to the UK. There has also emerged a mandarin fever among British young people. Our common future lies in the hands of the young generation. I sincerely hope liiat our young people will step up dialogue, increase mutual understanding, and join hands to create a brighter future fcir China-UK relations.
10.我深切地感受到“中國熱”正在不斷升溫,民眾渴望更多了解中國的文化、歷史和發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀。作為有全球影響力的西方媒體,希望BBC能夠全面、客觀地報道中國。中英社會制度和文化傳統(tǒng)不同,在一些問題上存在分歧是正常的,重要的是相互尊重、求同存異。中方歡迎善意的批評, 但不能接受不顧事實的歪曲報道,也不贊同以偏概全、一葉障目。
I have already sensed the growing interest in China. The public in the UK wants to know more about Chinese culture and history and how China is today. We hope that BBC, as a western media with global influence, would cover China in a more comprehensive and objective way. China and the UK have different social systems and cultural traditions. It is absolutely normal that they do not always see eye to eye on certain issues. What is important is the two sides respect each other and work to seek common grounds. The Chinese side welcomes critical views out of goodwill. What it cannot accept is distortion in disregard of facts, or hasty and biased generalization about China.


[上一頁][1] [2] 【歡迎大家踴躍評論】




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