

搜索 導(dǎo)航
2017-06-22 14:28:38    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    

1. 公共外交是中國外交重要的開拓方向,我們認為公共外交現(xiàn)在是應(yīng)運而生、正逢其時、大有可為。我個人認為,公共外交的重要內(nèi)容之一就是通過傳播、交流等手段,向本國的公眾、向外國公眾介紹本國的內(nèi)外政策,以便增進了解,減少誤解。
Public diplomacy has become an important area of endeavor in China's diplomacy. We are of the view that public diplomacy has emerged as our times require and has a big role to play. In my view, an important part of public diplomacy is to introduce one's domestic and foreign policies to people both at home and abroad through media exchange and other means with a view to increasing mutual understanding and reducing misunderstandings.
2. 在2009年,圍繞中華人民共和國成立60周年,新中國外交60周年等, 我們展開了公共外交活動,取得重要成果。我特別要提一下,中國領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人在對外活動方面很重視公共外交,深人、廣泛地接觸各界,取得了良好效果。外交官也進行廣豐富多彩的公共外交活動。
In 2009, we engaged in a series of public diplomacy activities in connection with the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and 60 years of New China's diplomacy. These activities achieved a lot. I should also mention here that Chinese leaders attach great importance to public diplomacy, particularly when they visit foreign countries or attend international conferences. They have engaged in in-depth and broad exchanges with the local people. And these efforts have produced very good results. Chinese diplomats have also been very active in doing public diplomacy.
3. 今年,我們將鼓勵我們的外交官,在國內(nèi)更加積極地走向公眾、走人高校、走近媒體;在國外更加積極地走出去,向各界介紹中國國內(nèi)的情況和中同的對外政策方針。我相信,中國的公共外交在新的一年甩,將會取得新的、更大的成果。
This year, we will encourage our diplomats at home to be more active in having interactions with the general public. They will visit colleges and universities and give interviews to media organszations. We will encourage our diplomats posted abroad to be more active in reaching out to the local communities, explaining to them China's foreign policy and domestic development. I believe public diplomacy will achieve new and greater success in this new year.
4. 開展公共外交工作也是我這次出訪的重要內(nèi)容之一。現(xiàn)在我國的國際影響和活動余地都擴大了,在國際上更加引人注目,更加需要我們加強公共外交工作。通過會見記者、發(fā)表演講等方式,可積極引導(dǎo)各國社會各界人士和民眾正確看待中國和中國的發(fā)展,正確看待中國的外交政策和外交工作,這有利于增信釋疑,擴大共識。
To conduct public diplomacy is also an important part of my visit. With increasing international influence and room for activities, China is attracting more attention from the international community. It has therefore become all the more important to strengthen public diplomacy. Meetings with the press and public speeches serve to encourage people from various social sectors of different countries to see China and its development in a right perspective and better appreciate China's foreign policy and diplomatic work. This enhances mutual trust, reduces misgivings and expands common ground.
5. 這就需要我們更加積極主動地開展公共外交。讓外界更好地了解中國, 更好地理解和接受中國的和平發(fā)展主張。同時,我想指出,中國的外交是人民的外交,公共外交的智慧也是來自人民。我要感謝全國人民對外交工作的支持。
This calls for more active public diplomacy on our part, to enable the world to know more about China and to win more understanding and acceptance for China's peaceful development. I should also like to point out here that China's diplomacy is people's diplomacy.  And people have always been the source of wisdom in our effort to carry out public diplomacy. I should thank all Chinese people for their support to China's diplomacy.
6. 公共外交要實事求是,世界上沒有國家是完美的,中國在當前發(fā)展階段也存在這樣那樣的問題,應(yīng)該讓外界不僅了解中國的成就,也能看到中國正視和解決問題的積極態(tài)度。公共外交需要早說話,需要多說話,凡是涉及中國的問題,都應(yīng)該設(shè)法讓中國的聲音通達國際社會。這有利于外界形成客觀平衡的看法。近年來,中國領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人和外交使團在這方面加大力度,出國旅游、學(xué)習(xí)和工作的中國人也在發(fā)揮作用。

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