

搜索 導(dǎo)航
2017-06-07 10:05:14    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    

The IAEA and developed countries should offer greater economic, technical and human resources assistance to developing countries in order to achieve nuclear security for all. And in doing they should respect the wishes of developing countries and act in the light of their real needs and existing conditions. In recent years, China has provided assistance within the realm of its capabilities to other countries in the region by way of technology demonstration and
personnel training. We are considering setting up a nuclear security “Center of Excellence" in China through cooperation with relevant countries in order to play a bigger role in regional nuclear security cooperation.
7.中國政府對朝鮮再次核試表示堅決反對。朝此舉違反了安理會相關(guān)決議, 損害了國際核不擴(kuò)散體系的有效性,也影響了東北亞地區(qū)和平與穩(wěn)定。中方支持安理會對朝鮮核試驗作出適當(dāng)、平衡的反應(yīng),并本著負(fù)責(zé)任和建設(shè)性的態(tài)度參與了有關(guān)討論。安理會一致通過的決議明確表達(dá)了國際社會反對朝鮮核試的堅定立場。
The Chinese government expressed its firm opposition. By conducting another nuclear test, the DPRK violated the relevant resolutions of the Security Council, impaired the effectiveness of the international nuclear non-proliferation regime, and affected regional peace and stability. China supported an appropriate and balanced reaction from the Security Council to the DPRK nuclear test, and participated in the relevant discussions in a responsible and
constructive manner. The resolution unanimously adopted by the Security Council shows the resolute stance of the international community on the issue.
8.朝鮮半島核問題形勢有所緩和,重啟六方會談、繼續(xù)推進(jìn)半島無核化進(jìn)程面臨機(jī)遇。朝核問題復(fù)雜敏感,涉及各方利益,只有通過對話協(xié)商, 通過政治外交手段,以和平方式解決,才是符合各方共同利益的正確選擇。各方應(yīng)共同努力,繼續(xù)接觸對話,顯示靈活,為重啟六方會談創(chuàng)造條件和氣氛。中方愿與有關(guān)各方和國際社會一道,為實現(xiàn)半島無核化、有關(guān)國家關(guān)系正?;?、維護(hù)東北亞地區(qū)的長治久安作出不懈努力。
Tension surrounding the DPRK nuclear issue has recently eased to a certain extent, and there is now a new opportunity to restart the Six-Party Talks and push forward the denuclearization process. The DPRK nuclear issue is a complex and sensitive one,and it involves the interests of different parties. We must find a peaceful solution to this issue through dialogue and consultation and by political and diplomatic means. This is the only right choice, a choice which serves the common interests of all parties. We must all work together to keep the dialogue going, demonstrate flexibility and create conditions for the resumption of the Six-Party Talks. China will work tirelessly with other parties concerned and the international community as a whole for the denuclearization of the peninsula, the normalization of relations between relevant countries and the achievement of enduring peace and stability in Northeast Asia.
On the Iranian nuclear issue, let me say again that China is fully supportive of maintaining the international nuclear nonproliferation regime. On the other hand, we believe that Iran, on the basis of the IAEA rules, has the right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy. And we believe this issue should best be resolved through diplomatic means so as to maintain peace and stability in the Gulf region and in the Middle East.
10. 我們認(rèn)為,伊朗并未對國際原子能機(jī)構(gòu)關(guān)于德黑蘭研究反應(yīng)堆核燃料供應(yīng)問題上的提議完全關(guān)上大門,同時六國與伊朗舉行新一輪對話很重要。我們希望,在六國提議和伊朗一攬子方案的基礎(chǔ)上,能夠找到一個各方都能接受的方案。中國的觀點很明確。為防止局勢進(jìn)一步復(fù)雜化,現(xiàn)在應(yīng)該集中精力在磋商與對話上,只有這樣才能找到令人滿意的解決問題的辦法。
We believe that Iran has not totally shut the door on the IAEA proposal on nuclear fuel supply to the Tehran research reactor, and we believe that it is very important to have another round of P5+1 dialogue with Iran. We hope that on the basis of the proposal put forward by the P5+1 and the package deal proposed by the Iranian side,somehow a mutually acceptable formula can emerge. China's view is very clear. That is,in order not to complicate the situation, it is better for us now to concentrate on consultation and dialogue so as to achieve a satisfactory solution.

[上一頁][1] [2] 【歡迎大家踴躍評論】




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