

搜索 導航
2017-06-03 09:15:51    etogether.net    網絡    

The fight against drug trafficking and related transnational crimes needs national governments,regional organizations and the United Nations agencies to fully exploit their respective advantages and expertise for the international cooperation to be effective. At the international level, the United Nations should play a greater coordinating role and continue to promote international cooperation and help developing countries to enhance their capacities. China supports the United Nations operational bodies in continuing to address the problem of drug trafficking and transnational organized crime.
7.2010年核安全峰會是歷史上首次由發(fā)迖國家和發(fā)展中國家共同參加的多邊核安全會議,對國際核安全進程的未來走向具有重要指導作用。國際社會對中國作為核大國在峰會中發(fā)揮的作用十分期待。胡錦濤主席從凝聚國際共識、推動國際合作、維護國際安全的戰(zhàn)略高度和長遠角度出發(fā), 親自率團與會,為峰會取得積極成果作出重要貢獻。
The Nuclear Security Summit in 2010 is the first multilateral meeting of its kind participated in by both developed and developing countries in history and plays an important role in guiding the future direction of international nuclear security process. The international community has great expectation for the performance of China as a big nuclear power at the summit. From a strategic height and long-term perspective of gathering international consensus, advancing global cooperation and maintaining international security, President Hu Jintao personally led the delegation to the summit and made key contributions to driving positive results out of the summit.
8. 亞太經合組織21個經濟體擁有世界40%的人口, 54%的經濟總量、44% 的貿易量。中方積極推動并全而參與亞太區(qū)域合作。我們提出了許多倡議和主張,為本地區(qū)和平穩(wěn)定與發(fā)展作出了自己的貢獻。現在,這個地區(qū)的區(qū)域合作出現了一個多機制、多層次、多速度的發(fā)展趨勢。
The 21 APEC economies together make up 40% of the world's population, 54% of global economy and 44% of international trade. China has actively pushed forward and taken a full part in regional cooperation in Asia-Pacific. We have put forward many initiatives and propositions in this regard and made our due contribution to regional peace, stability and development. Today, regional cooperation in this part of the world is growing with multiple mechanisms, on various levels and at different speeds.
BRIC has grown from an academic economic concept into a new cooperation mechanism of emerging powers and become a paradigm of cooperation among different countries, systems, models and civilizations. China always adheres to the principle of conducting “progressive,positive and pragmatic, open and transparent”cooperation among BRIC countries. To reinforce BRIC dialogue and cooperation under the current global economic situation will not only benefit the four countries but also comply with the common expectation and interests of the international community.
Premier Wen Jiabao had a long meeting with the leaders of some small island states, least developed countries and African countries in Copenhagen to listen to their opinions. He expressed full understanding and firm support for their legitimate demands, and stated that China would continue to support and help them to the best of its ability within the framework of South-South cooperation and through bilateral channels. China's position and propositions were widely supported and appreciated by other developing countries.

[上一頁][1] [2] 【歡迎大家踴躍評論】




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