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發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2019-09-02 09:17:42   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):


The protests and demonstration, especially the violence and attacks, have also caused serious negative impacts on Hong Kong economy and her people. Statistics of the Hong Kong SAR Government showed that economic indicators of Hong Kong had fallen across the board last June. The number of tourists travelling to Hong Kong in June was about 5.14 million, 770,000 -- or nearly 15% -- less compared to the previous month. 18 countries and regions issued travel safety reminders out of concern of the current situation in Hong Kong. The value of total retail sales was HK$35.2 billion last June, 6.7% down on year-on-year basis. The Hong Kong GDP in the second quarter of the year increased only 0.6% in real terms over the same period last year, against the 3% growth in 2018, showing that the Hong Kong economy is facing significant downward pressure. Current development in Hong Kong has seriously eroded the confidence of international investors who have publicly voiced their profound concerns on the business environment in Hong Kong.



IV. Who is the black hand meddling Hong Kong to her current chaos?

Piles of evidence show that the situation in Hong Kong would not have deteriorated in such a serious way, had it not been for the interference and incitement from foreign forces. Some Western politicians and institutions publicly or covertly provided various types of support to back up the violent radicals, trying to interfere with the judicial independence of Hong Kong and obstruct Hong Kong police from bringing the violent offenders to justice. The US Vice President, Mike Pence, for example, uttered on 19 August that"For the United States to make a deal with China (in trade talks), Beijing needs to honour its commitments, including the commitment China made in 1984 to respect the integrity of Hong Kong's laws through the Sino-British Joint Declaration. It will be harder for United States to reach trade deals with Beijing if there is violence in city." The US State Department spokesperson also, shamelessly, said during a news briefing on 8 August that "American diplomats meet with opposition protesters, not just in Hong Kong". The US was talking the laws of Hong Kong, when it ranks even lower than Hong Kong in terms of the level of rule of law. The US and other Western politicians are distorting the truth, calling black white, applying double standard and inciting violent crimes. They have clearly demonstrated to the entire world that they are exactly the black hands behind the violent extremists in Hong Kong.


The Western media have also played a disgraceful role in what took place in Hong Kong. They did not report the situation in an objective and just manner; they kept on misleading the general public instead. They ran massive coverage on so-called "right to peaceful protests", while keeping a blind eye on the violent offenses by the extremists and radicals in disturbing social order, in attacking and injuring police officers and bystanders, and in defacing and defaming the national emblem and flag of the country. There was insufficient coverage on the extensive public support expressed to the SAR Government. They also rarely covered the just voice calling for the upholding of law and justice in Hong Kong.

On top of that, some media went so far as to whitewash the lawless and violent offenders undermining the rule of law in Hong Kong, calling the lawless and violent offenders "pro-democracy activists" in media reports. By doing so, these media houses were ignoring their basic consciousness and forgetting about the reasonable actions taken by the police force in their own countries when confronting the similar provocation. They even labeled the just and legitimate law enforcement efforts of the Hong Kong SAR Government and the police to uphold law and order and protect life and property of the people as "repression". Such selective silence and distortive reports helped the flow of wrong information and misled the public, especially young people in Hong Kong, for the worse. It is fair to say that Western media have inescapable responsibility for the current situation in Hong Kong!


The essential nature of the current situation in Hong Kong is not about human rights, freedom or democracy. It is, instead, about the attempts of certain violent extremists to ramp up violent crimes at the excuses of opposing the amendment of the two related ordinances, to seriously trample upon law and social order in Hong Kong, to threaten the security of the citizens, and to undermine the prosperity and stability in Hong Kong. It is about the opposition and violent extremists trying to overturn the legitimate SAR Government, to challenge the authority of the Central Government, and to undermine the constitutional basis of "One country, Two systems" in Hong Kong, through violence and other illegal means, and by coercing those who know not the truth. It is about the foreign forces which trampled on international laws and basic norms governing international relations, trying to undermine China's sovereignty and security, grossly interfered with China's internal politics, Hong Kong affairs included, and trying to sabotage the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong -- in a general effort to turn Hong Kong into a pawn in holding back China's national rejuvenation efforts.


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