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發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2019-09-02 09:17:42   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來(lái)源: 外交部   瀏覽次數(shù):


Twenty-two years since the return of Hong Kong, the policy and practice of "One country, Two systems" has scored universally recognized success. In 2018, the total GDP of Hong Kong amounted to US$360 billion, more than doubled than that of 1996. The number of tourists travelling to Hong Kong exceeded 65 million in 2018, six times as many as that of 1997. The international ranking of legal environment of Hong Kong leaped from lower than 60th in 1996 to 16th in 2018. Hong Kong has been voted as the world's freest economy for 20 consecutive years. After her return, Hong Kong's own features and advantages have been well maintained. Chinese and Western cultures blend fantastically there, and her charm and vigor grew even more than the older days. The people of Hong Kong enjoy extensive democratic rights and freedom, more than any time in history. With the support that she enjoys within the framework of "One country, Two systems", with the strong support of the Central Government as well as the mainland of China, Hong Kong SAR will usher in an even brighter future with the "Belt and Road Initiative" and the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, a recently released mega plan.



II. Why did the Hong Kong SAR Government propose to amend the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance?

The proposal by the Hong Kong SAR Government to amend the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance was prompted by an ordinary criminal case. In early 2018, a Hong Kong resident suspected of killing his pregnant girlfriend in the Taiwan area of China escaped back to Hong Kong from Taiwan. Since Hong Kong court has no criminal jurisdiction in this case, the SAR Government proposed to amend the above two ordinances, so as to extradite the suspect to the Taiwan area and charge him there. The amendment would allow Hong Kong to cooperate with the Mainland, as well as Macao SAR and Taiwan of China, all of which had not signed the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance with Hong Kong SAR, so that suspects and fugitives could be transferred through a set of special arrangements, on the basis of case by case. Such a step would have been conducive to making up for the loopholes in the existing legal systems, so that relevant parts of China could jointly combat crimes and uphold rule of law and justice better.


Some citizens of Hong Kong had some doubts when the amending process of the two ordinances started last February, due to the lack of knowledge and understanding on the general situation and legal/judicial systems in the mainland of China. Some people and media with ulterior motives made advantage of that to spread rumors and create social panic in order to thwart the amendment of the ordinances. Since last June, there have been several relatively big-scale protests and demonstrations against the amendment of the ordinance. In order to listen more broadly to the views from various walks of life on the amendment and to restore the good order in Hong Kong at an early date, the Hong Kong SAR Government had decided to suspend the amending procedure on 15 June and halted relevant legislative work.



III. Peaceful Assembly or Violent Activities?

But the situation did not calm down as a result, it became more radical and violent instead. The opposition and some radical forces in Hong Kong continued to make excuses of "opposing the amendment" to undertake various radical street protests, wherein the scale of violence kept on escalating, with broadening social effect. The rioters in Hong Kong have, by employing extreme means, crippled the airport, damaged public property and set fire, besieged and attacked police stations, brutally bitten off a finger of a police officer, and brazenly hurled petrol bombs at police stations to cause serious burns to police officers. They even assaulted the police with offensive high-powered laser pointers. Some went so far as to illegally detain and arbitrarily beat up visiting tourists and journalists covering the demonstration. The rioters fought against the police law enforcement efforts with violence, assaulted the police officers, and blocked police cars and ambulances, among other things. What else would have these countless astonishing and humanity-defying activities been called but "violent crimes"? What raised more indignation and high vigilance was that some violent radicals even torn up the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR, defamed Chinese national emblem and national flag, seriously violating the laws. They have openly offended the national dignity of China, and seriously challenged the bottom line of the "One country, Two systems" principle. While facing the atrocities mentioned above, the Hong Kong Police Force has since maintained maximum restraint.


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