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發(fā)布時間: 2024-05-16 09:44:33   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: 旅游常用語句,例如,九寨溝享譽(yù)世界,在旅游界處于十分重要的地位。


1. 誕生159年來,世博會把不同國度、不同民族、不同文化背景的人們匯聚在一起,溝通心靈,增進(jìn)友誼,加強(qiáng)合作,共謀發(fā)展。世博會給國際社會留下了追求進(jìn)步,崇尚創(chuàng)新,開放共榮,倡導(dǎo)和諧的寶貴精神財富,為文明的對話提供了平臺,見證了中國人民同世界各國人民的友誼。

Since its birth 159 years ago, World Expo has brought together people from different nations, ethnic groups and cultures, enhancing the friendship, cooperation and mutual development. World Expo has left a valued legacy of pursuing progress, creativity, mutual prosperity and harmony, presenting a dialogue of civilizations and witnessing the friendship between Chinese people and people in the rest of the world.

2. 作為中國最著名的奇山之一,黃山以其四絕“奇松,怪石,云海,溫泉”以及美麗的日落景色吸引了無數(shù)游客的前來。但當(dāng)皚皚白雪覆蓋黃山每一寸土地時,它那美妙的身姿卻是前所未有的清新與迷人。

As one of the most stunning mountains of China, see the four wonders -- ancient pines, bizarre rocks, seas of clouds, and hot springs, and see the sunrise. When the snow settles on all these, the real charm of Mt. Huangshan emerges.

3. 當(dāng)你能用半價甚至更少的錢買到這種名牌時,還有什么比瘋狂購物更令人激動的事呢?“香港冬季圣誕展賣會”絕對是你搜羅這種奢侈名牌服飾,珠寶和電子產(chǎn)品的絕佳天堂。

What can be more exiting for shopping when the brands you love are at half price or less? The winter Christmas sales in Hong Kong is in-no-doubt the paradise for your hunting on luxury brand clothing, jewelries, and electronic devices.

4. 九寨溝享譽(yù)世界,在旅游界處于十分重要的地位。

Jiuzhai Valley enjoys great prestige in the world and has very important position in the circle.

5. 近年來,張家界森林公園開始吸引了大批外國旅游者。

Zhangjiajie Park has begun attracting quite a few foreign tourists in recent years.

6. 從泰山頂上看去,日出真是個奇觀。

Viewed from the top of Mount Tai, the sunrise was indeed a spectacle.

7. 游客常在華山探索洞穴。

Tourists often go potholing on Huashan.


Founded in the 5th century, the Shaolin Monastery is long famous for its association with Chinese martial arts and particularly with Shaolin Kung Fu.


Among Chinese hand embroidery, Suzhou embroidery is considered the best one.


Hangchow The West Lake is a magnet for visitors.


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