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《關(guān)于中美經(jīng)貿(mào)摩擦的事實(shí)與中方立場(chǎng)》白皮書 (中英對(duì)照全文)I

發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2018-10-10 09:55:57   作者:譯聚網(wǎng)   來源: 國新網(wǎng)   瀏覽次數(shù):



 圖表:表1:2017年中國對(duì)美國主要進(jìn)、出口商品(HS2位碼) 新華社發(fā)

China is an import market for US goods such as airplanes, agricultural produce, automobiles, and integrated circuits. China represents the No. 1 export market for US airplanes and soybeans, and the No. 2 export market for US automobiles, IC products and cotton. In 2017 China took 57% of US soybean exports, 25% of Boeing aircraft, 20% of automobiles, 14% of ICs and 17% of cotton.

China-US bilateral trade has a strong complementarity. The US stands at the mid-and high-end in global value chains and it exports capital goods and intermediary goods to China. Remaining at the mid-and low-end in global value chains, China mainly exports consumer goods and finished products to the US. The two countries play to their comparative strengths and the two-way trade is highly complementary. In 2017, the top three categories of Chinese exports to the US were: 

1.electric machines/electrical products/equipment and components, 

2.mechanical apparatus and components, and 


which accounted for 53.5% of its total exports to the US. The top three categories of products that China imported from the US were:

1.machinery/electric equipment/ components and accessories, 

2.mechanical apparatus and components, and 

3.automobile and components and accessories, 

which accounted for 31.8% of total import from the US. Machinery and electronic products take a lion’s share of two-way trade, and there is an evident characteristic of intra-industry trade. (Table 1) For most of the hi-tech products that China exports to the US, only labor-intensive processing takes place in China, involving large-scale import of key components and intermediary products as well as international transfer of value.





  圖表:圖2:美國對(duì)中國服務(wù)貿(mào)易進(jìn)出口(單位:億美元) 新華社發(fā)


2.  Bilateral trade in services is developing quickly.

The US has a highly-advanced and fully-fledged service industry which is very competitive on the international market. Accompanying the growth of the Chinese economy and the improvement of Chinese people’s living standards is an obvious rise in demand for services and rapid growth in bilateral services trade. According to US statistics, two-way trade in services rose from US$24.94 billion in 2007 to US$75.05 billion in 2017. According to MOFCOM, the US was China’s second biggest services trade partner; according to USDOC, China is the third biggest market for US service exports.

The US is the biggest source of China’s deficit in services trade and this deficit has been increasing fast. US statistics show that US service exports to China grew 340% from US$13.14 billion in 2007 to US$57.63 billion in 2017 while its service exports to other countries and regions in the same period grew by 180%. The US surplus with China in services multiplied by a factor of 30 to US 40.2 billion. (Chart 2) At present, the US represents roughly 20% of China’s total deficit in services trade, the biggest source of this deficit. China’s deficit with the US is concentrated in three areas, travel, transport and intellectual property royalties.

Chart 2: US Services Imports from and Exports to China (unit: US$100 mn)



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