

搜索 導(dǎo)航
2019-06-09 08:57:52    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    

私下,(美國)總統(tǒng)的幾個顧問爭論這樣一個問題, 即目前公私醫(yī)療支出失控成了經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展日益沉重的包袱,作為價格改革的代價,可能需要連續(xù)幾年忍受比較高的失業(yè)率,就像一個動過手術(shù)的人,在他病情好轉(zhuǎn)之前一定感到更為難受。麻煩在于,克林頓并未為作出任何犧牲造好輿論。他和他的醫(yī)療工作顧問艾拉?瑪格齊爾一直在把醫(yī)療改革當(dāng)成一頓四道菜的免費午餐竭力兜售。人人有份,不要求新增稅款。這樣做會立即促進(jìn)就業(yè),而且還會很快降低聯(lián)邦赤字。一位政治顧問對充林頓說道:“我們幾個人擔(dān)心的是我們對醫(yī)療所抱的種種期望不可能滿足。”

c. Wen Jingfeng, general manager of the Adam and Eve Hygiene Center located in the Xicheng District of Beijing, said, China, with a population of 1.1 billion and a splendid culture and long history, is now developing rapidly in all fields except sex, which is like 

a desert longing for water, “I hope my center will be a drop of rain for the desert, ” said Wen.

                                                                         —Beijing Review , No, 8,1993 

坐落在北京西城區(qū)的亞當(dāng)與夏娃生中心的總經(jīng)理溫景鳳(譯音)說,有著11億人口、燦爛文化和悠久歷史的中國,除性知識處的所有領(lǐng)域都在快速發(fā)展,性領(lǐng)域就像渴望得到雨水的沙漠,“我希望我的 中心會成為滋潤沙漠的一滴甘露?!?像沙漠是明喻, 成為一滴甘露是暗喻)

漢語中使用比喻的情況也很普遍,特別是非常風(fēng)趣的歇后語,諸如“芝麻開花傳節(jié)高”(sesame stalks putting forth flowery notch by notch, higher and higher, rising steadily)、“叫花子撥算盤窮操心” (A beggar plays the abacus ——it is nothing necessary for him to calculate his income)、“黃鼠狼給雞拜年沒安好心”(The weasel goes to pay his respects to the hen — not with the best of intentiom)之類,譯成英文是很困難的,例如:

中銀大廈是由著名美籍華裔建筑師貝聿銘先生設(shè)計的, 靈感來自竹子一節(jié)高一節(jié),象征著銳意進(jìn)取的精神,也寓意著中國銀行的未來發(fā)展。

The Bank of China Tower in Hong Knng was designed by the famous American Chinese Architect Mr. I. M. Pei. The inspiration for this design is derived from the Chinese bamboo with its sectioned trunk being propelled higher and higher by cach new growth. The building is a symbol of the progressive spirit and prosperous future development of the Bank of China.


[上一頁][1] [2] 【歡迎大家踴躍評論】




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