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陰陽別論篇/The Yin and Yang of Pulse Condition

發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2024-08-21 09:41:25   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):


"When the five-solid organs passes on from one to another to subjugate, it is called the 'dead Yin'; when the five solid organs pass on from one to another to generate, it is called the 'living Yang'. The patient with dead Yin will die in three days, and that with living Yang will be recovered and survive in four days.

"The meaning of living Yang and dead Yin are: when the liver passes on to the heart (wood generates fire), it is called the living Yang, when the heart passess on to the lung (fire restricts metal), it is called the ‘dead Yin'; when the lung passes to the kidney, both the organs are of Yin, and the two Yins' combining causes the disease to become serious, so it is called the 'double Yin'; when the kidney passes to the spleen, that is, the kidney water bully the spleen earth reversely, it causes the spleen earth to become declined and severed, the disease will become even serious, in this case, it is called the excluding Yin, the patient will die without being cured.



"Yang indicates the three Hand and Foot channels, as the Yang channels act on the superficies of the four extremities, whenever there is a stagnation of evil, the energy and blood will become sluggish in the extremities and causes swelling of the limbs.

"The blood belongs to Yin, since the Yin channel stagnates, it will affect the circulation of the blood, when the blood fails to circulate outside, it will be accumulated and seeped into the intestine to cause hematochezia; when the Yin channel stagnates further, the bloody stool will come to two litres, if the disease is getting even worse, the bloody stool will come

to three litres.

"In the stagnation of evil in Yin and Yang, when Yin is more and Yang is less, then Yang will be in debility. Since the bladder loses its function to evaporate the body fluid, it will cause accumulation of the fluid which is called the water of stone. The lower abdomen will be swelling on account of it.

"The second Yang indicates the Yangming channel and the stomach, if there is a heat stagnated in the large intestine and stomach, the water and cereal will be consumed rapidly to contract diabetes and the patient gets hungry no sooner than the food has been taken.

"The third Yang indicates the Taiyang small intestine and the bladder channels. When there is a stagnated heat in the small intestine and bladder, the stool and urine will be blocked.

"The third Yin indicates the Taiyin lung and spleen channels. When there is a stagnated heat in the lung and spleen, they can no more transport the body fluid, as the fluid stagnates, edema will occur.

"The first Yin indicates the Jueyin liver and pericardium, the first Yang indicates the Shaoyang of gallbladder and the triple warmer, both the two channels associate with fire, when it moves, wind will produce. When the wind joins the fire, it will scorch the body fluid and sore throat will occur.

"When the pulsation of Cun pulse of Yang is different from that of Chi pulse of Yin, it is the pulse condition of the pregnacy of a woman.

"When both the Yin and Yang pulses are in debility with bloody stool in bubble, it is the severing of the true energy, the patient will die certainly.

"When Yang is more abundant than Yin, the Yang energy will force the Yin fluid to discharge and cause sweating.

"When Yang is contending, it is the over-abundant of Yang, when Yin is in debility and Yang is over-abundant, the blood will be forced to run rashly and cause metrorrhagia.



"When the pulses of the third Yin (lung and spleen)all pulsate under the fingers, the patient will die at midnight of the twentieth day. When the pulses of the second Yin (heart and kidney )all pulsate under the fingers, the patient will die in the evening of the thirteenth day. When the pulses of the first Yin (pericardium and liver) all pulsate under the fingers, the pa-

tient will die in the early morning of the tenth day. When the pulses of the third Yang (bladder and small intestine) all pulsate under the fingers, and the beats are stirring vigorously, the patient will die on the third day. When the pulses of the third Yin and the third Yang all pulsate under the fingers. the patient will feel fullness and flatulence of the abdomen and

heart, suffering from pain and the retention of faeces and urine, he will die on the fifth day. When the pulses of the second Yin (stomach and large intestine) all pulsate under the fingers, it means that the channel-energy has already dispersed which can by no means be cured, the patient will die within ten days."



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