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陰陽別論篇/The Yin and Yang of Pulse Condition

發(fā)布時間: 2024-08-21 09:41:25   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):


The disease of second Yang indicates the disease of Yangming stomach and large intestine, when one feels depressed, it will affect the functions of transportation and digestion of the spleen (anxiety hurts the spleen), and can also suppress the heart-energy: when the spleen is out of order, the stomach will be unable to digest the food, causing one to lose the

source of nutrition, and when the heart-enerty is suppressed, it will be unable to transform the nutritive substances absorbed by the stomach and intestine into blood, and for a woman, her menstruation will stop. So the diseases of second Yang break out from the heart and spleen. If the disease protracts, the muscle will become emaciated due to the stomach fails to support the essence of the food, besides, the lung will be scorched by the heart-fire due to the faliure of the stomach fluid moistening the lung, in this case, dyspnea and the up-reversing of breath will occur. Since both the solid and hollow organs are damaged, the patient will certainly die.


“The disease of the third Yang indicates the Taiyang disease. The Taiyang channel takes charge of the superficies, when the evil first invades a man,it is on the superficies, and when the healthy and evil energies contend, cold-heat will occur; if the evil stagnates between the muscle and the striae of skin, carbuncle will occur; when the evil hurts the Foot Taiyang bladder channel, the calf muscle where the channel passes will become painful, the foot will also become flacid ad cold. If the iese being prorcted, the body fluid wll become dry up duc to the scorching of heat. the skin will become dry up due to the scorching of heat. the skin will become coarse and split open as it fails to be moistened, and when the wetness-heat pour down to invade the scrotum, hernia will occur.


"The disease of the first Yang indicates the disease of Shaoyang. Shaoyang is the stage of Yang newly born when the Yang is tiny, and Yang will be even tiny when the disease is contracted. The Shaoyang being the prime minister-fire, when the fire scorch the lung-metal, cough will occur. The large intestine and the lung being the superficies and the interior, when the adverse rising lung energy being hurt, the energy of the large intestine will be unstable, and diarrhea will occur. As the prime minister-fire is vigorous inside, the heart will be affected and become uneasy. As the wood fire restricts the spleen and stomach, the food intake will be obstructed and cause dysphagia.


"The disease of the second Yang and first Yin indicates the disease of Yangming and Jueyin. As the Jueyin liver disease appears to be terror, and the Yangming disease occurs on the tendon of the spine, so, backache will occur. When the Yangming stomach is hurt by the wind-evil, often belching and yawn will occur. The above syndromes of adverse rising of

lung-energy caused by the disease of liver and stomach affected by wind are called Jue-syndromes of wind.


"The disease of the second Yin and first Yang indicates the diseases of Shaoyin (kidney) and Shaoyang (gallbladder). When the gallbladder energy is over-abundant, it will restrict the spleen earth to cause the spleen become ill and distending. In the disease of Shaoyin, the channels of heart and kidney fail to communicate, so the fullness of heart is felt with often deep sighing.


"The disease of the third Yang and third Yin indicates the disease of Taiyang and Taiyin. As the Taiyang takes charge of the energy, when the Yang energy is in debility, hemiplegia will occur; as Taiyin takes charge of the blood, when the Yin blood fails.to nourish the tendon, the tendon will be in flaccidity and out of order, as the spleen takes charge of the four limbs, when the spleen is ill, the four limbs will be unable to lift up.


"When there is a mild energy stirring in the pulse which appears to be straight and long, it is called the 'wiry pulse'; When there is a Yin energy stirring in the pulse which is light, empty and floating, it is called the 'feather pulse'; when the rapid pulse of Yang is abundant which begins strongly and ends weakly, it is called the 'hook pulse'; when in the pulse, the

Yang energy is deep lying low and is about to sever, and the pulse is sunken, it is called the 'stone pulse'; when in the pulse, the Yin and Yang energies are soft and harmonious, and the pulse is moderate, it is called the 'flowing pulse'.


"When Yin is contending inside and Yang is disturbing outside, Yin and Yang will be out of balance. When Yang is not dense outside, the sweat gland will be wide open, and continuous sweating will occur, When Yin is out of order inside, the Yin essence will be out let and cause coldness of the extremitics. When the heat of Yang hurts the lung, it will cause

dyspnea and bronchial asthma.

"As Yin depends on the harmony of Yin and Yang to generate all things, so the generation of Yin of the five solid organs all depends on the nourishments of the five tastes.

When Yang is over-abundant all by itself and fails to keep harmony with Yin, it is the situation of 'vigorous with vigorous', which is called the single Yang. When the single Yang is broken and dispersed outside, Yin will be withered away in the wake of it.

"Excessive Yin causes the over-abundance of cold-wetness, when Yin being over-abundant all by itself without keeping harmony with Yang, it is called the single Yin, as the single Yin can not promote the birth and growth of all things, the channel-energy will be severed.


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