

搜索 導航
外交口譯例文 -- 中歐關(guān)系
2017-04-14 09:19:30    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    


China and the EU are both important forces in an increasingly multi-poLar world. Both are at critical stages of development. We are each other's important trading partners and enjoy all-dimensional, wide-ranging and multi-tiered cooperation. We have established a comprehensive strategic partnership.
The Chinese government attaches great importance to Europe and relations with Europe have always been high on its diplomatic agenda. We are pleased to note that with the Lisbon Treaty coming into effect, EU integration process has entered a new stage. We hope to see a Europe that plays a bigger and more active role in international affairs, and we look forward to working with Europe for an even brighter future of China-EU relations.
The all-round development of China-EU relations has fully proved that the two sides share broad common interests. The two sides are linked by historical, practical and strategic bonds, and on the whole there are more opportunities than challenges in China-EU relations.
We highly value our relations with Europe. We attach importance not only to developing relations with the EU as a whole, but also to pushing forward our relationship with EU member states. In recent yeais, China-EU relationship has been on the whole moving in a positive direction. Wc have achieved much success in our practical cooperation in various fields.
As comprehensive and strategic partners, China and the EU will be committed to the strategic positioning of our relationship, with enhancing political trust as its basis. We will push forward practical cooperation, with high-tech collaboration in the lead and green economy as the focus. We will join hands to meet global challenges with a responsible attitude. We will work together to promote world peace and sustainable development.
China will work with the EU to maintain steady and sound development of our relations and further enrich the strategic dimension of our relationship. We will enhance political mutual trust, treat each other as equals, and respect and accommodate each other's core concerns.
We do not expect China and the EU to see eye to eye on each and every issue, and we need not be afraid of our differences. As long as we both embrace an open and inclusive spirit, we will have more consensus than differences and more mutual benefits than frictions,and cooperation will be the defining theme of China-EU relations.

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