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發(fā)布時間: 2021-08-17 09:15:57   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: “比擬”是“擬人”和“擬物”的總稱。由于“比”、“喻”、“擬”是同義詞、可以彼此互換,所以,在古今的文談、詩論中,一直...

“比擬”是“擬人”和“擬物”的總稱。由于“比”、“喻”、“擬”是同義詞、可以彼此互換,所以,在古今的文談、詩論中,一直存在“比喻”和 “比擬”混稱的情況。事實上,二者的語言結(jié)構(gòu)是完全不同的:無論哪種類型的比喻,喻體的出現(xiàn)是其根本標志;而比擬卻只出現(xiàn)被擬體,不出現(xiàn)擬體?;蛘邠Q言之,比喻是以此喻彼,借代是以此代彼,其中的本體與喻體、本體與借體都還是兩個分離的個體;比擬卻是彼此交融,擬體和被擬體合二為一了。


鳳姐聽說,便站起來,拉著薛姨媽,回頭指著賈母素日放錢的一個小木匣子笑道:“姨媽瞧瞧,那個里頭不知頑了我多少去了。這一吊錢頑不了半個時辰,那里頭的錢就招手兒叫他了。只等把這一吊也叫進去了,牌也不用斗了,老祖宗的氣也平了,又有正經(jīng)事差我辦去 了。”話說未完,引的賈母眾人笑個不住。偏有平兒怕錢不夠,又送了一吊來。鳳姐兒道:“不用放在我跟前,也放在老太太的那一處罷?!R叫進去倒省事,不用做兩次,叫箱子里的錢費事?!保ǖ谒氖呋兀?/p>


At this Xifeng left her seat and,taking Aunt Xue by the arm,turned and pointed at the wooden chest in which the Lady Dowager kept her money.

“Look there,aunt,”she said.“Goodness knows how much of my money has been swallowed up by that.It's less than an hour since we began,and already the money in that chest has beckoned to this string of cash. As soon as this string's gone in too we shan't have to play any more,and our Old Ancestress will have got over her temper. Then she'll send me off to attend to my duties again."

The whole company was laughing uproariously when Ping'er arrived with another string of cash,for fear her mistress might not have enough.

“There's no need to put that in front of me,”cried Xifeng.“Just put it on the old lady's pile. That will save the money in her chest the trouble of beckoning twice. ”


Xi-feng stood up and,laying a hand on Aunt Xue's arm,pointed out to her the wooden chest in which Grandmother Jia kept her money.

‘You see that,Aunt? I don't know how much of my money has at one time or another found its way in there. Before I've been playing half an hour, my money in the chest begins calling to my money on the table to come and join it. All I have to do now is wait until it's called it all in, then the game will be over and Grannie will be in a good temper again and I shall be able to go and get on with my work.'

By the time she had finished saying this,Grandmother Jia and all the others present were laughing. They were still laughing when Patience,fearing that her mistress might have insufficient money by her,came in bringing another string of cash.

‘Don't put it down in front of me,’Xi-feng told her.‘Put it down beside Her Old Ladyship,so that all my money can go into the chest together.We don't want the money in the chest to have to go through the business of calling for it all over again.’

在這里,作者借鳳姐的巧嘴,把賈母木箱子里的錢人格化,使它能“頑”,會“招手兒”,還會把鳳姐的錢“叫進去”,并且讓它“一齊叫進去倒省事,不用做兩次,叫箱子里的錢費事”。鳳姐的這番話,充分發(fā)揮了比擬的修辭作用,使原本靜止、呆板、無生息的事物形象地 “活”了起來,表達效果倍增,比用直白的語言赤裸裸地恭維賈母如何如何神通廣大更具感染力和表現(xiàn)力,辭趣與情趣帶給了讀者無窮的閱讀樂趣。

兩段譯文對句中的擬人格都是借助動詞來表現(xiàn)的那個里頭不知頑了我多少去了”用swallowed up(楊譯),found its way(霍譯);“那里頭的錢就招手兒叫他了。只等把這一吊也叫進去了”用 beckoned to, gone in(楊譯),calling …to come and join it, called it all in(霍譯);“一齊叫進去倒省事,不用做兩次,叫箱子里的錢費事”用 beckoning(楊譯),go through the-business of calling for(霍譯)。這些動詞或動詞短語通常都用于描述人的行為、動作,現(xiàn)在用于 描述無生命的“錢”,與原文擬人格的修辭效果取得了一致。




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  • 下一篇:西方譯詩的七種對策

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