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發(fā)布時間: 2024-04-29 09:40:36   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網絡   瀏覽次數:
摘要: 傾銷進口產品的數量,包括傾銷進口產品的絕對數量或者相對于國內同類產品生產或者消費的數量是否大量增加,或者傾銷進口產品大...

第七條  損害,是指傾銷對已經建立的國內產業(yè)造成實質損害或者產生實質損害威脅,或者對建立國內產業(yè)造成實質阻礙。對損害的調查和確定,由商務部負責;其中,涉及農產品的反傾銷國內產業(yè)損害調查,由商務部會同農業(yè)部進行。

第八條  在確定傾銷對國內產業(yè)造成的損害時,應當審查下列事項:

(一) 傾銷進口產品的數量,包括傾銷進口產品的絕對數量或者相對于國內同類產品生產或者消費的數量是否大量增加,或者傾銷進口產品大量增加的可能性;

(二) 傾銷進口產品的價格,包括傾銷進口產品的價格削減或者對國內同類產品的價格產生大幅度抑制、壓低等影響;

(三) 傾銷進口產品對國內產業(yè)的相關經濟因素和指標的影響;

(四) 傾銷進口產品的出口國(地區(qū))、原產國(地區(qū))的生產能力、出口能力,被調查產品的庫存情況;

(五) 造成國內產業(yè)損害的其他因素。




Article 7  The term "injury" means material injury or threat of material injury to an established domestic industry or material obstruction of the establishment of such a domestic industry. Ministry of Commerce shall be responsible for the investigation and determination of injury. The anti-dumping investigation of injury to a domestic industry involving agricultural products shall be conducted by the Ministry of Commerce jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture.

Article 8   The following factors shall be examined in the determination of injury caused by dumping to a domestic industry:

(1) Whether the volume of dumped imports, including the volume of dumped imports either in absolute terms or relative to the production or consumption of a like domestic product, has been increasing significantly, or the possibility of a significant increase in dumped imports;

(2) The effects of dumped imports on prices, including the price undercutting by the dumped imports, or the significant suppressing or depressing effects on the price of a like domestic product, etc.;

(3) The consequent impact of the dumped imports on the relevant economic factors and indices of the domestic industry;

(4) The production capacity or export capacity of the exporting country (region) or the country (region) of origin, and inventories of the product under investigation;

(5) Other factors that may cause or have caused injury to a domestic industry.

The determination of threat of material injury shall be based on facts and not merely on allegation, conjecture or remote possibility. When determining the injury caused by dumping to a domestic industry, the determination shall be based on positive evidence, and the injuries caused by factors other than dumping must not be attributed to dumping.






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