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2021-05-07 09:04:56    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    

  漢語和英語數(shù)字式略語相似的結(jié)構(gòu)在作字面互譯時不難處理,尤其是因為現(xiàn)代漢語比較容易接受數(shù)字式略語,英語的許多數(shù)字式略語譯成漢語,已經(jīng)作為譯借詞成為漢語詞匯的一部分,例如 three unities (三一律), trinity (三位一體,三一), decathlon (十項全能), Group of 77(七十七國集團),Seven Wonders of the World(世界七大奇跡)。漢語的某些數(shù)字式略語“三民主義”,( Three Principles of the People ),“三國”( Three Kingdoms ),“五行”( five agents ),“五諦”( Five Noble Truths ),“五福”(Five Blessings),“四書”( the Four Books ),“五經(jīng)”( the Five Classics ),“八仙”( the Eight Immortals ),連“三反運動”( Three-Anti Campaign )和“四人幫” ( Gang of Four )等也已進入英語辭書。 

  但是,數(shù)字式略語作為一種略語( compact expression )其所指對象涉及多方面的社會一文化知識,具有百科性詞語的性質(zhì),內(nèi)容比一般詞語豐富得多,翻譯成另一種語言的時候不是簡單的字面對等就能使人理解的。以本文引言中喬伊斯的一段文章為例,文中的 the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost 和 the seven dead1y sins僅譯成“圣靈的七件禮物”和“七大罪惡”顯然并沒有給讀者傳遞足夠的信息。 Brewer''s Dictionary Phrase and Fable 提供了這方面的信息:前者指的是 wisdom,understanding , counsel,fortune , knowledge, righteousness 和 fear of the Lord ;后者指的是 pride , wrath , envy , lust , gluttony , avarice 和 sloth 。順便翻一下詞典,還可以看到 the seven virtues(或稱 the seven principal virtues ,七大美德),指的是 faith , hope. Charity, justice, fortitude , prudence 和 temperance ,前三項可稱作 supernatural virtues 或 the theological virtues 或 Christian virtues ,后四項可稱作 Plato''s Cardinal virtues 或natural virtues 。由于文化背景知識缺乏,中國人要讀懂這么短短一個句子就必須付出相當?shù)呐Γy怪 Peter Newmark 認為:“ As a last resort , the explanation is the translation ,” (作為最后一招,解釋就是翻譯。) 


  He offered, in effect,a variant of the “ one country , two systems ” solution which China is offering the people of Hong Kong. ( The Times, P . 3 , Oct . 6 , 1989 ) 



 ?。?He has consistently advancing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence as the norms of establishing a new world political and economic order. 一Beijing Review P.20,Nov.20一26,1989) 



  To ensure a correct direction for the modernization drive,he raised the question of adhering to the four cardinal principles in clear-cut terms ( adherence to the socialist road, the people''s democratic dictatorship , the Communist Party leadership and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought 一 Tr.) 


  The output of autumn grains is expected to be lower in some areas of three Northeast China provinces (Jilin,Liaoning and Heilunjiang provinces and north China. (Beijing Review, p.16, Nov. 27-Dec.3, 1989) 

[1] [2] [下一頁] 【歡迎大家踴躍評論】




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