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2019-09-02 09:19:28    譯聚網(wǎng)    外交部    



V. How will this end in an orderly way?

The Central Government of China and the Chinese people, the people of the Hong Kong SAR included, will never allow few violent offenders to drag Hong Kong down to a dangerous abyss. We will never allow anyone to sabotage the rule of law and sound development in Hong Kong. We will never allow anyone to undermine "One country, Two systems", at any excuse.


Hong Kong is part of China. Hong Kong affairs are China's internal affairs. No interference from any foreign country will be tolerated. We urge those foreign forces to respect China's sovereignty and security and immediately stop interfering with China's internal affairs, the Hong Kong affairs included, in any way. We urge them to immediately stop conniving in those violent offenses. They must not misjudge the situation to go down the wrong path. Otherwise, they will find themselves lifting the stone only to drop it on their own feet.


As Hong Kong faces with the most dangerous and gravest situation since her return 22 years ago, the top priority now is to stop violence, end the chaos and restore order. The Central Government firmly supports the SAR Government led by Chief Executive Carrie Lam in governing Hong Kong according to law, firmly supports the Hong Kong police and judiciary in decisively and strictly enforcing the law, and firmly supports the majority of Hong Kong compatriots in their just cause in opposing violence, upholding the rule of law, and supporting the police. Any violent act to undermine the rule of law of Hong Kong, to damage the city's prosperity and stability, to challenge the principle of "One country, Two systems", will meet with severe legal punishment. Any interference with Hong Kong affairs by foreign governments, institutions or individuals will be resolutely fought back by the entire Chinese people, our Hong Kong compatriots included. And any plot to hinder China's national rejuvenation process is doomed to fail. We are fully convinced that Hong Kong will surely overcome the temporary difficulties, sweep off the current black clouds and dust, and the "Pearl of the Orient " will shine even brighter.


Back in Uganda recently, some foreign forces keep making irresponsible remarks on the internal affairs of Uganda, a sovereign state, by way of fabricating fake news, in which they accused wrongly, among others, that Huawei Technologies Co. helped Ugandan Government to "spy opposition politicians". As pointed out by Mr. Ofwono Opondo, Spokesperson of the Ugandan Government, and Mr. Don Wamayna, Senior Press Secretary to President Museveni, these are "false story", "total hogwash" with "no evidence". It is therefore fair to say that the black hand of these foreign forces does not stop at one place, as they openning admitted, and their disgraceful behaviors of interfering the other countries' internal affairs go on endlessly. It is my belief that every government of an independent country that takes up the responsibility of her sovereignty, safety and development rights, will stay fully aware of those black hands, and will tackle those hands in a resolute and decisive way according to the laws and tradition of the sovereign country, so as to protect the fundamental interests of herself from being violated or interfered with.(End)




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