

搜索 導航
2017-06-17 08:19:21    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡    

Should the Joint Venture Company be unable to continue its operation or achieve the business purpose stipulated in the Contract due to the fact that one of the contracting parties fails to fulfill the obligation prescribed by the contract and articles of association, or seriously violate the stipulations of the contract and articles of association,that party shall be deemed as unilaterally terminates the Contract. The other party shall have the right to terminate the Contract in accordance with the provisions of the contract after being approved by the original examination and approval authority as well as to claim damages. In case Party A and Party B to the Joint Venture Company agree to continue the operation,the party who fails to fulfill the obligations shall be liable to the economic losses thus caused to the Joint Venture Company.

《中華人民共和國合同法》第93條規(guī)定:“當事人協(xié)商一致,可以解除合同。當事人可以約定一方解除合同的條件。解除合同的條件成就時,解除權人可以解除合同” (A contract may be rescinded after unanimity among the parties is reached through consultation. The parties to a contract may work out conditions for one party to rescind the contract。When the conditions for rescinding the contract are ripe,the party with the right may rescind the contract).
例如,在一份商業(yè)代理合同(Commercial Agency Contract)中,甲方指定乙方在某地區(qū)獨家代理并銷售甲方的產品。雙方在合同中約定:“如果乙方在6個月內不能銷售雙方同意的數(shù)量,甲方有權書面通知乙方解除本合同”(Should the party B fail to meet the agreed sales quantity within six (6) months,the Party A shall give a written notice to the Party B to rescind this Contract)。
三、Termination of Contract (合同的終止)
《中華人民共和國合同法》第91條規(guī)定:有下列情形之一的,合同的權利義務終止(In any of the following situations,the rights and obligations under a contract shall be terminated ):
a. 債務已經按照約定履行(A debt has been performed according to the agreement by the parties);
合同當事人訂立合同的目的是要通過合同的履行實現(xiàn)預期的經濟目的。如果當事人各方已經依照合同的規(guī)定,履行了各自的義務,雙方的權利也得到全面的實現(xiàn), 那么,該合同的履行也應告完畢,其法律關系應自動終止。目前,大多數(shù)的英文合同都沒有訂立關于已履行完畢合同的“終止條款”,這是不應該的,也不符合法律規(guī)定。既然合同中有生效的內容,必然應該出現(xiàn)終止的內容,這是合乎情理的。尤其 是在“中外合資經營企業(yè)合同”、“國際技術轉讓合同”以及履行周期較長的“國際 貨物買賣合同”中,均應訂立有關合同已按約得到履行后終止合同內容的條款。例如:“本合同有效期為合同生效以后五年,有效期滿以后,該合同即自動失效”(The validity period of the contract shall be five (5) years from the effectiveness of the contract and shall become null and void automatically upon the expiry of the validity period of the contract)。如果合同期滿,一方當事人想延長合同的期限,可以在確定了合同終止的前 提下,再約定:“合同期滿后如一方想延長合同的有效期,應在合同期滿以前通知另一方。延長的條件由雙方協(xié)商決定”(If one party is willing to extend the validity of the contract,the party shall inform the other party before the expiry and the term of extension shall be discussed and fixed by and between both parties)。
b. 合同解除(Contracts have been rescinded);
c. 債務相互抵銷(Debts have mutually offset);
抵銷是指二人互負同種類債務時,各以其債權(creditor's rights )充當債務 (debts)之清償,而使其債務與對方的債務在對等額內相互消滅。提出抵銷的債權, 即債務人的債權,稱為主動債權,或反對債權、自動債權;被抵銷的債權,即債權 人的債權,稱為受動債權。抵銷既消滅了當事人互負的合同債務.也消滅了當事人 互享的合同債權,所以抵銷是合同權利義務終止的原因。

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