

搜索 導(dǎo)航
2023-12-06 09:27:14    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    

(2) 書面體:In September 1990,the All-China Women's Federation and State Statistical Bureau jointly conducted a survey of the social status of Chinese women by giving out questionnaires to over 40,000 men and women between 16 to 64 years old in urban and rural areas in 21 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.

口語體:In September 1990, the All-China Women's Federation and State Statistical Bureau jointly conducted a survey of the social status of Chinese women. Questionnaires were given out to over 40,000 men and women between 16 to 64 years old in urban and rural areas in 21 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.

即席發(fā)言或未經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備的自由交談還常出現(xiàn)重復(fù).不完全句等等。說話者有時會遲疑,在思考如何表達(dá)時,為保證交談不間斷地、較自然地進(jìn)行,人們常用語言學(xué)上稱為“填補詞語”(hesitation fillers),如用r.m,oh,now.well, you see. you know, I mean,shall I say等等,表示“思考”.“默許"“辯解”等意思。像I know, I see, I suppose, I'm afraid, they tell me, you know, mind you, to be honest/frank,generally speaking.all in all, as you see,as I said,so to speak等帶說明性質(zhì)


在交談中,說話者不能或不需要十分確切地表達(dá)時,也常用kind of,sort of what-do-you-call-it一類詞語。以上詞語以及非強調(diào)性的重復(fù),譯員無須譯出,如:

This competition hall can hold...er...well...10,000 spectators, ...oh, no...it's...it's 12,000, that's right, 12,000, they tell me...


3. 詞匯層次

除非在非常正式的場合,英語口語體常采用許多使用頻率較高的常用詞(其中不少是盎格魯-撒克遜詞)及單音節(jié)或少音節(jié)的“小詞”以及概括性強(general) 的詞和縮略詞。學(xué)會靈活使用這類詞,不僅僅是口語體本身的要求,也有助于譯員提高口譯速度,隨機應(yīng)變,擺脫困境。如一時翻不出來“四合院”,“豆汁”“京韻大鼓”,至少可以用house.(soft) drink,singing performance 這類概括性強的詞加上a kind of來解釋。


conclude/end; commence/begin; inform/tell; proceed/go; amalgamate/combine; proclaim/announce; utilize/ make use of; investigate/look into; telephone/phone; photograph/photo; influenza/flu; laboratory/lab; television/ TV


書面體:Early this month,nine privately funded full-time primary and middle schools were established in Shanghai. This has brought the number of non-state schools in the country's largest metropolis to 15.

口語體:Early this month,nine private full-time primary and middle schools were set up in Shanghai. Now there are 15 such private schools in the city.

口譯時,除非說話者使用非正式色彩較濃的語體,一般應(yīng)避免使用俚語,如用lousy 表示bad,terrible,inferior;用swell(Am.E.) 表示good,excellent. outstanding,notable,distinguished等等。


[上一頁][1] [2] 【歡迎大家踴躍評論】




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