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英語詞綴para- (beside, near; related to, subordinate to) 與派生詞

發(fā)布時間: 2018-08-27 09:23:13   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: 前綴para-原是一個希臘介詞,它主要與希臘語源的詞根相結(jié)合,一般構(gòu)成名詞,其基本意思是beside (旁),near (近)。par- 是pa...

前綴para-原是一個希臘介詞,它主要與希臘語源的詞根相結(jié)合,一般構(gòu)成名詞,其基本意思是beside (旁),near (近)。par- 是para- 的異體,它只出現(xiàn)在元音字母或h的詞根之前。para- 也與少量的單詞相綴合,這時,其意思相當于related to (有關(guān)), supplementary to (輔助),subordinate to (副)等。含 para-的單詞多是科技術(shù)語。


paragraph [ para- = beside 旁;graph = to write 寫=>“ a stroke written beside the beginning of a passage 一段文章開頭時,在旁邊做的記號 ”→]n. a group of sentences that belong together 段落/The first paragraph is the most important in a composition. 文章的第一段是最重要的。

paragraphic a. 分段的

paralogism [ para- = beside 旁;logism = reasoning 推論=> ureasoning beside the point 不中肯的推論” →]n. a piece of false or erroneous reasoning 不合邏輯的推論;謬論 / His essay is based on a paralogism.他的論文是建立在不合邏輯的推論上的。

paralogize v. 作謬誤推論

paralysis [ para- = beside 旁;lysis = to loosen 松弛=>“(the body) loosening beside (身體)一邊松她無力→]n. lessening or loss of the power or sensation in any part of the body 癱瘓;麻痹 / The accident left him with paralysis of the legs. 那場事故使他下肢癱瘓了。

paralyse v. 使癱瘓,使麻搏 

paralytic a. 癱瘓的,麻痹的 n. 癱瘓病人


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