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英語詞綴over- (above,across; too; too much) 與派生詞

發(fā)布時間: 2018-08-23 09:01:56   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網絡   瀏覽次數:
摘要: over-作為修飾性的派生前綴,能與形容詞 (或分詞)、名詞及動詞綴合,一般不改變詞基單詞的詞性。

前綴over-的前身是英語介副詞over, 它的基本意思是 above (在…之上),由此又引申出across (越過),too (太),too much (過分)等意思。over-作為修飾性的派生前綴,能與形容詞 (或分詞)、名詞及動詞綴合,一般不改變詞基單詞的詞性。over- 與形容詞(或分詞)結合時,意思大致為too;與名詞結合時,意思大致為over, above (這時詞基的詞性可能發(fā)生變化)或too much, excessive;與動詞結合時,意思大致為over或too much。


overactive [over- = too 太; active a. 活躍的→]a. too active; active to excess 過于活躍的 / Most of the children there were overactive, overirritable and doing poorly scholastically. 那兒的大多數兒童都多動,過于易怒,學業(yè)都很差。

overdue [over- = too 過分;due a. 到期的=>“too due 過分到期了”→] a. more than due; due some time ago but not yet paid 過期的;到期未付的/This bill is overdue.這張支票過期了。

overbearing [ over- = too 過分;bearing a. 壓制的=>“too bearing 過于壓制人的”→]a. forcing others to one's own will;masterful 好壓制的;專橫的 / We found it hard to like the new teacher because of his overbearing manners. 我們覺得很難喜歡上新來的老師,因為他作風專橫傲慢。


overboard [ over- = across 越過;board n. 船舷=>“across the board 越過船舷的”→]ad. from ship or boat into water 從船上落人水中 / The sailor slipped and fell overboard. 那船員滑了一跤落人水中。 

overhead [ over- =above 在…上;head n. 頭→]ad. over the head; far above 在頭頂上;架空的 / You can see a cableway overhead. 你能看到頭頂上有條高架索道。


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