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Larceny 和 Theft法律術語分析及英語解釋

發(fā)布時間: 2017-12-27 09:16:52   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: 粘貼出來Larceny 和 Theft法律術語分析及英語解釋以供大家參考。

兩者均有“盜竊罪”的含義。其中,larceny (也稱為larceny by trick)指盜竊他人動產(chǎn),原屬于普通法上的犯罪,多為重罪(felony)[1],與它相近似的犯罪還有obtaining money under false pretense ( “詐騙錢財罪”[2],也稱為 false pretense, obtaining property by false pretense,fraudulent pretense,其與 larceny 的差異在于larceny指犯罪只占有實物而非產(chǎn)權,而obtaining money under false pretence則指罪犯以非法手段,如欺騙等取得了財產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)權,即“title”[3])以及embezzlement ( “侵吞信托財產(chǎn)罪”[4]; 也被稱為 peculation,與 larceny 與 false pretense 相不同的是 embezzlement是在先取得占有權的情況下的犯罪[5])。目前,這三種普通法上的犯罪(也有人認為embezzlement不屬于普通法上的犯罪[6])已被制定法上的theft ( “盜竊罪”)所取代??傮w說來,theft的含義較廣,其指未經(jīng)同意而竊走他人財產(chǎn)或服務的犯罪 (a crime taking of the property or services of another without consent),包括原先普通法上被視為不同犯罪的多種偷竊罪(theft commonly encompass by statute a variety of forms of stealing formerly treated as distinct crimes) , SP “貪污”(embezzlement)、“詐騙他人財產(chǎn)” (obtaining another's property by false pretense) 以及“盜竊”(larceny)。在美國,凡適用《示范性刑罰典》的各州,larceny 均被視為是 theft 的一種(under the Model Penal Code and in states that follow it, larceny is a type of theft),其指“非法竊走他人動產(chǎn),旨在永久性剝奪所有人的權利”(unlawful taking and carrying away of personal property with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it permanently)。但在有些州,larceny 卻被單獨定為一種犯罪,此時它已包括了以往按普通法規(guī)定而與 它有區(qū)別的其他兩種犯罪,即詐騙錢財罪(obtaining money under false pretense)和侵吞信托財產(chǎn)罪(embezzlement) [8]。


[1]“Felonious stealing, taking and carrying, leading, riding, or driving away another's personal property,with intent to convert it or deprive owner thereof. ”Cf. The Publisher's Editorial Staff, Black's Law Dictionary, abridged 6th edition, at p. 609, West Publishing Co. (1991).


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