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“rain check”其詞其事

發(fā)布時間: 2017-10-18 09:47:08   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡   瀏覽次數(shù):

以上所述,只是使用“rain check”的一種具體情境。至于“rain check”的一般涵義,還得查考詞書:
1. rain-check①(球賽等因下雨而中斷后)留作下次繼續(xù)使用票根;②延期:give a rain check on a dinner
2. rain check n 1 ; a ticket stub good for a later performance when the scheduled one is rained out 2: an assurance of a deferred extension of an offer;esp :an assurance that a customer can take advantage of a sale later if the item or service offered is not available
(as by being sold out)
3. rain check. . . n AmE 1 a ticket for a later performance, when rain has stopped a public match of show 2 infml an agreement that one may claim latter something that is being offered now : I don't want a cigarette now, thank you, but I'll take a rain check on it.
甲、"rain check”可以由權充,也可以是因故(下雨或其它原因)另行發(fā)給、供以后使用立憑證;    乙、以準予延期使用者的口吻說,動詞用“ give”(a rain check on...);而用被準予延期使用者的口氣說,則用動詞“take”(a rain check on …);
丙、“rain-check”此詞在使用過程中已經(jīng)可以離開任何具體的“憑證”,而抽象地表示“延期干……”“慢慢再來”了。如LDCE中的最后一例:“謝謝,現(xiàn)在不想抽,回頭抽罷”--- 實際上對話人之間并沒有授受什么有形的“rain check”。這樣“rain check”就既同 “rain”無關,也同“cheeks”無關了。


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